Clumsy 2 (The Party)

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I watched people dance around Raven's apartment, my mind still on his soft lips and the feeling of having him inside of me. We had sex once more after the shower sex. I gave him my address and he came over and fucked me senseless, then he had to go back to Florida for work. The bad thing is, is that it has only been a week since the trip.

"Misty, can you hold this for me," Nyla asked, holding her drink out to me.

I sighed and nodded, taking the drink from her while she ran out the door. I stared into the crowd once more and jumped when I heard the screeches of the evil witch Alexis. Why that whore is even here I have no idea, but she's horrible and a complete bitch.

Shrugging it off as she seen her ex making out with Raven. I sighed and Nathan and Alexa both walked up to me, Alexa holding a blue solo cup. "What's up trash," Alexa said making me chuckle.

"She's probably missing her money dick," Nathan said, making me laugh.

"If you're talking about Vix, yes, I miss him," I replied honestly.

"It hasn't even been two weeks since you met him, it was just this past weekend that you last seen him," Nathan said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but he's so good in bed and his lips, oh my god. Not to mention he's the most attractive man I've ever seen," I practically moaned thinking about him.

Nathan and Alexa stated at me with raised eyebrows while Raven, who had somehow snuck up on me, "sounds like my kind of guy," earning a glare from me.

I heard a familiar chuckle making my eyes widened and I quickly spin around to come face to face with natural cloudy grey eyes and a beautiful smirk. VIX!

Unable to contain my happiness I reached up and pulled him down to me, connecting our lips, dropping Nyla's cup. His arms wrapped around my body while my hands and finger gripped onto his black and red hair.

I heard a female clear their throat and I pulled away with a blush to look at my pissed off best friend. "I know you missed him but did you have to drop my drink," she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, she did," Vix answered for me, pulling me into his side while reading his hand on my hip.

Time skip

I was watching the people around me and Vix while standing against him. The things he's been saying to me have been crazy and I feel as though I won't be able to walk tomorrow. Raven and Alexa were swaying to the music with their blue solo cups in hand while Nyla and Nathan were dancing their assets off.

I heard the screams of that Alexis bitch again and the bathroom door slam. I felt Vix squeeze my ass, pulling my attention away from the annoying and frustrating yells.

"God, your ass kills me," he whispered against my ear, making me blush once again. I could feel him shift to where he was standing behind me and he took one of my hands behind my back and pressed it against his obvious boner. He released my hand and I let it stay to my side, unable to really move. After a minute or two of just standing there Vix wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him starting to slightly grind against me.

I smiled as I could feel him getting harder by the minute. I to grind back and he latched his teeth onto my ear for a couple of seconds. Smiling I walked forward a little bit and I heard him whine.

"Don't be like that," he said and pulled me back against him, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face into the crook of my neck.

As much as I like fucking him, I like this better. It's the smaller things like this that make me feel loved and wanted. I feel safe in his arms, as if he will protect me from all the bad things in this world. To bad we aren't dating.

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