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I walked down the sand covered stone steps at the beach, my friends behind me. "So, you want to swim, skate, get ice cream, or be lazy," I asked, looking back at the gay in green (Nathan), purple rain (Ashlea), and the bitchy redhead (Nyla).

"I want to take pics for Raven and Alexa," Ashlea said, walking towards the water. We all followed her until she stopped and started taking pictures of us. Nathan ran away, because he hates having pictures taken of him, and Nyla just posed, while I did stupid things.

I ended up tripping over my own foot and falling, Ashlea and Nyla just laughing at me. "I knew it wouldn't even be ten minutes into the trip before she fell," Nyla said, yanking me off the ground by my arm.

"I got it on video, Lex and Rave are going to love this," Ashlea said, still videoing me.

"You know what else you can show them? My ass," I yelled flipping the camera off then turning around to walk away. Only thing is, when I turned around I walked straight into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said, backing up. I looked up to be met with red eye contacts, short black hair with red highlights, and spider bites. Damn he's hot...and tall.

"It's fine, just be more careful next time," he smirked at me then walked off, following a group of guys dressed in either leather or black swimming trunks.

I turned around to face my friends who were laughing there added off. "Why's your face red Misty, " Nyla joked, being the little bitch she is, but I still love her, she's my bestie.

I rolled my eyes at her then turned and walked away, not running into anyone this time. I decided I would walk so I pulled out my phone and ear buds and turned on my music, walking along the water.

Time skip kittens

I was almost back to the place I left my asses disguised as friends, making almost the whole walk without being my accident prone self. Next thing I know my foot hits someone and I'm falling, guess I spoke to soon. I landed across the person, my face landing in the sand, my phone laying a couple feet ahead of me, my ear buds ripped out of my ears.

"I told you to be more careful next time, love," a familiar voice said causing me look at the person I fell over. It was the guy from earlier and his friends were laughing.

I could feel myself blushing so I pushed myself up as quickly as possible. "I-im sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

"Just don't let it happen a third time, okay," he asked/ commanded.

I nodded and stood up, walking to my phone and bending over to pick it up, causing some of the guys friends to wolf whistle. I quickly straightened back up and rushed off, the blush on my face larger, but not before I could hear the guy yelling his friend to "shut the fuck up".

I made it back to my friends who were just getting back from swimming, Nathan finally deciding to join them. "Misty, let's go skating," Nathan yelled.

"Okay, let's do this," I yelled back, running to the parking lot. I slipped a little on the stairs but didn't fall. I ended up beating them to the car and opened the trunk, since I was the one with the keys.

I pulled out our skateboards and held onto mine quick was white with the words Black Veil Brides written on it with red splatters across it. I painted it myself to remind me of Knives and Pens. I closed the trunk back and the three picked up their skateboards.

Another time skip because it's already at 638 words.

After some freestyle skating we turned it into a skating challenge. Even though I'm very clumsy I'm good at skating. It was down to me and purple rain and we had to skate down the stairs rail. It was going to be hard since we've gained a small audience over the hour and they were standing on the stairs.

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