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Ok, first things first. Here it is, trying to upload a chapter as soon as possible but this is a lot closer to actually being a book than anything else basically. So, I have a bit of a favor to ask, I'm wondering if someone will be willing to make me a book cover. I cannot make them to save my life, I have no clue how to make one, and everyone else has cute covers and I'm like to myself, sucks to suck. I don't know how you'll want to send it to me so just private message me, I don't know how this all works still, it's a smidge sad, I am not techy. 

 Anywho, working on a chapter, hopefully, it'll start flowing out of me, probably not but still. If I do upload it soon it may not be the best thing, but I have an idea of what to do so... one step at a time! Super excited to start this hope you guys are as excited as I am, slowly rising.  

A quick note about uploading, I cannot promise my chapters will be weekly updates, since sometimes I won't upload for like a month, and then in one day, I'll push out three chapters and upload all of them in a number of hours, or I'll get one in one week and one the next and then won't write a chapter for two more. I'll give you some of my excuses right now, school, not having a life, work, all the other writing I do that is for fun, and then my actual books which are not on here. However, despite my sporadic updates, I do try to update at least once a month, so you can count on that. 

Another note, (all these notes are a bit much) I have two other books that I'm basically advertising if you are interested in go for it. They are original works which are more of what I do, they are called The Unknown Princess, and A King's Court, A Queen's Game. I'd suggest at least checking out A King's Court, A Queen's Game since I'm more serious about that one, I pre-write the chapters on word and then upload them and then look over them, which is what I'm going to do for this book, so hopefully you'll see an upgrade on quality. They are just on my profile. Ok, I'll go back to writing, if I just sit and write then I can probably get it done within a few hours, so wish me luck! Thanks again for all the amazing support. 



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