Chapter Twenty

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Victoria felt as if she would never smile again. Her eyes were dry, but her heart felt as if it would shatter.
Don't break, Victoria. She urged herself. Stand tall, don't let them see you cry. You are strong. She pretended that she believed that. That she could go back and help the others. That she wasn't a coward, too proud to ask for help, but too weak to do anything on her own.
She slowly felt her determination creep back, trickling in through the haze of exhaustion. For one moment she truly believed she could be strong. Then the pain came. She knew what it was, the Device. Only one man could have the cursed switch, the one man that made her days torture and her nights agony. The Captain.
Letting her hopeless frustration take over she grabbed the nearest rock and lobbed it into the clear water. Her hands scrabbled over the rough ground, flinging stone after stone into the lake.
When she was done she fell back onto the ground. Tears stained her eyes, trickling down her cheeks until the dropped onto the earth below. "Why?" She pleaded, knowing full well that no one was listening. "Why me?"
She covered her eyes with the palms of her hands, blocking out the sunlight. Think, Victoria, why would he do this? Her mind felt sluggish from the constant pain, but she forced herself to think of one reason after another. He wants me, he said so. Does he want to meet? With a sudden burst of confidence, she stood. Let's find out.
She turned to leave, but quickly retraced her steps to the lake. I will not come crawling back like a beggar, I will be a woman, not some rat he can stomp over.
She quickly pulled the tattered dress over her head, hanging it on a tree branch before diving into the clear water. The cuts covering her body stung with pain. Her burn felt like fire on her skin, but she forced herself to stay below the clear surface. The water parted around her as she rose and gasped for air, before diving below again. For those few minutes she felt no pain. She no longer bothered to feel the Device pouring burning agony down her spine. She forgot the brand, still new on her flesh. She didn't think, she only drifted through the water, washing away the dirt from her skin, and the anger from her heart.
Her anger returned, slowly, once she slipped out of the cool lake. The pain came afterwards, the steady fire of the Device, the soft throbbing of the brand. Victoria slid back into the dress, the smooth cloth clinging to her damp body.
She looked up at the sun, as it drifted down towards the horizon. Night would come in a few hours, bringing with it a blank page, ready to be filled with horrors.
"Let's get this over with," she muttered to herself. She set off, her pace as steady as the Device's pain.
She neared the edge of the woods, slowing to a crawl as she crept through the dense shrubbery. Her heartbeat quickened until it felt as if it would break out of her chest. Her breath came out in panicked gasps. Calm down. She ordered, clenching her fists. Look strong, no matter how broken you may be. She took one deep breath, then stepped out into the clearing. One more step. Two. Three. She made it halfway across the clearing before she stopped, and waited.
She planted her feet and managed to maintain a blank expression as he marched forward to meet her. He wasn't alone, a platoon of soldiers followed him.
"Victoria," He called, as if he were greeting an old friend.
"Captain," She growled back, her mouth set in a frown. "Pardon me, Highness, you are the Leader now, aren't you?"
"Not yet, pet, but I will be. When my dear friend, Callan was murdered by the girl he chose to join him on his throne, I..." He pretended to be heartbroken, putting on a show for the soldiers. "I was needed to take his place, to keep the country whole. I vowed that I would find his murderer, or whoever claimed to be responsible for Callan's death." As quickly as he had raised it he dropped the façade of caring. "I will be placed in the seat of power after the funeral."
"Why are you telling me this?" Victoria asked, acting as if she didn't care.
He ignored her, waving his hand to the soldiers. "You can't stop it. Any plan you think you have, it will never work, Victoria."
"Really? And why is that? Eloise, Rip, Martha, the others, they are all safe."
"You forgot one very important bit of information, pet."
Victoria clenched her jaw, but kept silent.
"We have something you will never give up," He sneered. "Your dear, sweet sisters... Lilith and Sandra? You just left them, abandoned, them. Like your father abandoned you."
Victoria's heart clenched in dread. "Leave them out of this," She growled.
"Why would I listen to you?" He grinned, beckoning towards the soldiers behind him. "Bring them forward." They were dragged up and forced to kneel at the Captains feet. Their faces were tear-stained, their clothes covered in filth.
"What did you do to them?" She demanded, stepping forward.
"Nothing, yet. I'll give you three minutes, Victoria. Three minutes to come to your senses or they get punished for it."
He won't hurt them, they're the only leverage he has. He won't hurt them. She tried to convince herself. 
"What do you want me to do?"
"We could figure out some sort of trade off, you for the girls."
Victoria stepped back, her mind whirling. He won't kill them, they'll be fine. She chanted to herself, trying to gain enough strength to speak. "No. I will never kneel to another man. I will get them back, and I will destroy you."
​"You will never rule over me."
"I will rule, Victoria, I will reign over all." His eyes filled with malice. "Everyone will kneel."
"Mark my words, Captain. I will come back, and I'll tear the Cities apart piece by piece until I find them, and save them." Victoria's eyes narrowed in determination. "And if you have so much as lifted a finger to harm them, I will kill you myself, if it's the last thing I do."
"What can one girl do to harm the ruler of all?" He gestured grandly with his arms.
"You have no idea what I am capable of, but you will know, soon enough. You will know when I return, and burn this city to the ground."
Victoria turned, determination filling every bone in her body. This isn't over, it will never be over until he is hanging from the gallows, along with the murderers who serve him.
​She was sure of one thing, herself. Until she heard the gunshot.
-Sincerely, your author-

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