Chapter Fifteen

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Victoria steeled her jaw and acted as if her world was not falling apart before her eyes. She forced herself to act like she didn't care, to not give The Leader that little bit of leverage to make the entire tower topple over.
He circled her, like a lion waiting to pounce, searching for any sign of weakness. She kept her eye straight ahead, standing, waiting as he circled closer and closer.
"I honestly thought you were smarter, Victoria." He smirked, so close that she could hear his breath whistling by her ears. "You didn't think we had just forgotten when the Chosen escaped so long ago. We would never let the same thing happen twice."
"Standing aside and letting them die would have been cowardice, it's fighting, even when you know deep inside that you will never win that makes you brave." Victoria stared daggers at him, her voice quiet.
"Such brave words, my pet." He traced a long finger down her jaw. "I do hope you are this brave in an hour, I love to watch the strong break." He stalked out of the room, leaving her alone.
Victoria sagged, closing her eyes against the lights. Her spine stiffened when she heard footsteps approaching.
​"Stand up, Victoria," the Captain ordered as he prowled into the room. "Do as I say, pet, before someone else gets hurt."
​Victoria obeyed, squaring her jaw as he slid his hand around her hips. "Where are you taking me?"
​He didn't answer, just pulled her into the hallway. The room was only a few steps away, but it felt like an eternity before he let go of Victoria and left her alone. A trio of servants entered, none of them saying a word.
​Victoria was painted into the picture of evil perfection. Dark lips and eyes, bringing out the piercing gray in her eyes. A strip of her long, black hair was braided over the top of her head, a string of dangling jewels accenting her forehead, arching over her perfect eyebrows. Multiple strands of black braids cascaded down her back, disappearing into the river of dark hair. Her collarbones protruded beneath her accented jawline, making her look like an elegant demon. A black satin dress cascaded around her, the plunging neckline exposing much more than she was comfortable with. The trailing cloth billowed out behind her, rustling softly with her every move.
​Victoria despised her devil-like apparel. She wished to be the lonesome, young teenager living in the City once more, not an elegant, dark, woman with blood staining her perfectly manicured hands.
​"Madame Victoria," one of the maids spoke up. "We wish you the best of luck today." They filed out quickly, not looking her in the eye.
​"Once upon a time..." Victoria murmured to herself, before stopping. She didn't have the courage to end the story, they lived happily ever after was an impossible thing to live up to. It was an impossible thing to achieve, and Victoria didn't dare get her hopes up.
​"You could stop all of this." Victoria spun around only to come face to face with The Leader. "You could just, give up. They would live, you would live..."
​"You would just wait, let them live to death in a prison somewhere."
​"Come Victoria, you think I'm that heartless?" He gave a little pout, acting as if he was as innocent as a child. Victoria only glared at him. "Fine, we'll do this the hard way. Come, my pet." He grabbed her wrist and led her gently to a large room. It looked like an arena, chairs spiraling out around it. The seats were all full of people, all elegantly dressed and covered in jewels.
​Everything was silent as Victoria and The Leader crossed the room to a raised throne towering above the arena. Victoria passed a woman, sobbing quietly into a handkerchief. It was the woman, the mother of the two little girls. She glared up at Victoria, then spat at her feet.
​"Oh, I forgot to mention one tiny detail... I know where your sisters are." Victoria's heart sunk as his words filtered through her head.
​"No, don't bring those girls into this," Victoria pleaded, desperately.
​"Hush, my sweet." The Leader led her up to the platform. "There is another thing I'm sure you will enjoy." He smirked.
​"Eloise." Victoria stopped and stood still, stiffening.
​"Vicky! Isn't it so pretty here? The garden is fantastic, there are the most beautiful roses... and, oh Vicky, have you tasted the food? Isn't it wonderful?" The child began to jabber, her bright eyes dancing with happiness. Victoria's heart ached, sad to see her so happy, sad to see her moving on without Rip or herself by her side.
​"Yes, sweet, it is." Victoria closed her eyes, turning away from Eloise's happy chatter.
​The Leader stepped forward, raising his hands to silencing the whispering crowd.
​"Let us begin, shall we?" reluctant applause spread through the crowd as they were lead in, broken and bloodied. Rip, Martha, Clara, Annabelle, Bryce, Simeon, Amber. They were all paraded in and forced to stand in a neat line, waiting for death.
​"These seven were all caught in an attempted escape from the Palace, a crime punishable by death. These criminals were helped along by my own Chosen, Victoria Towers, who will be severely punished." A loud rumble sounded from the huge double doors. They opened, revealing two small forms, surrounded by armed soldiers. "Sandra and Lilith, adopted by Lady Kelton, lost sisters of Victoria. I deem their lives punishment enough for Victoria's crimes."
​"Please, leave them be." Victoria whispered softly, her voice barely more than an escaped breath.
​"The execution will take place immediately." Soldiers streamed through the doors, lining up opposite the prisoners. "Eloise, my dear, you don't want to watch this, wouldn't you want to wait for me in the Dining Hall?"
​"Whatever you think is best, Callan," Eloise replied, her adoring eyes staring up at The Leader. Eloise skipped off, not paying attention to the clicking of rifles as the firing squad readied their guns.
​"Ready." The Captain saluted towards The Leader before turning and aiming his gun at the older of the two girls, Sandra. "Aim." A dozen fingers sat ready on the trigger.
​"Wait," Victoria called, her voice echoing through the room.
​"Do go on, my pet," The Leader sneered, leaning back in his throne.
​"I will trade myself for the lives of the others." She let out a breath, and steeled her nerves. "I hereby promise, before everyone, that I will serve without question until the day I die, in trade, their lives will be spared, and they will be freed."
​With that one word Victoria's fate was sealed.

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