Chapter Two

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As soon as Victoria heard the news she ran home and locked the door. Her heart felt like it would break through her chest. She sat, her back against the door, and waited for processing to begin. When her heartbeat slowed she scrambled to her feet, her eyes searching for anything she would need. She grabbed the small toy cat, the only thing left from Victoria's childhood, and set it on the table. She looked over the bare shelf, and the empty bed. Her eyes landed on the small jar, full of all her savings, barely hidden under the bed. She knelt and picked it up, wondering what she should do with it. She shoved the coins into her pocket, her eyes still roaming the now empty room.
Victoria had nothing else. Her entire life's memories were kept in her mind and one cat toy. She tiptoed out of her silent home and cautiously crossed the hall. She knocked quietly on the door, even the light sound of her tap sounded like a drumbeat in the silent hall. Eloise opened it immediately, obviously waiting for her.
"Vicky!" Eloise cried, close to tears. "They took Rip, what if he doesn't come back? What if I never see him again?" tears spilled down her face as she hugged Victoria, waiting for a reply.
"Hey, it's okay Eloise, it's okay!" Victoria rubbed the small girls back, pulling her towards the bed. "Don't worry, they're only taking him in for processing, just like they do every Choosing Day. He'll be back as soon as he can, you know that."
"But, Vicky, what if he's chosen? I can't lose him, he's the only family I have!" Victoria sat, Eloise sobbing on her shoulder.
"Here," Victoria pulled out the coins she had been saving. "If Rip is chosen, you can live
off this, and if he isn't... well, we can all go and have a feast in celebration, okay?" Eloise smiled, her blue eyes shining.
"Okay, we'll have a feast." Eloise let out a shuddery breath, then scrambled to her feet, taking the coins with her. she opened up one of the bare cupboards and set them inside. "For when he comes back." She said.
​"For when he comes back," Victoria agreed. A sharp knock sounded from the doorway. Eloise instantly froze, her small body stiff with fear. Victoria tentatively walked up to the door and opened it to find soldiers, four of them, waiting outside. 
"Eloise Carter?" The captain asked.
"Oh, not me, she's right inside..." Victoria stuttered, as they shoved inside.
"Who are you?" The Captain asked Victoria, "and why are you in this house? Only two live here."
"I'm a friend, Victoria Towers... Sir." 
​"You will return to your residence immediately. Eloise Carter, come with us to be processed." The Captain marched over to Eloise, still frozen by the cupboards. Victoria slowly exited the room, waiting just inside her door. A few moments later Eloise was marched away, all the time begging Victoria,
​"Please, Vicky. Help me!" her desperate cries echoed down the hall, reminding Victoria of her childhood. Victoria steeled her nerves, and bolted down the hall, following Eloise's calls.  
"Victoria Towers, you will halt." A soldier called after her. Victoria ignored him and kept running. she was close, so close to Eloise, Victoria could see the girl's slight frame. She was suddenly grabbed from behind, soldiers swarmed around Victoria, as she struggled. The cold barrel of a gun was shoved against the back of her neck.
"Raise your hands above your head and walk calmly back to your residence, if you struggle we will not hesitate to shoot," whispered a soldier into her ear. Victoria stopped struggling and slowly lifted her hands above her head. "Walk," the soldier hissed, shoving her forward. Victoria was marched through the same hallways that Eloise had been dragged through just moments ago. Victoria stumbled forward, finally reaching her door. Another soldier stepped forward.
"If you are seen outside of your residence before you are processed, it will be seen as a sign of treason, and your punishment of death will be immediate." With that, they marched away.
"I'm sorry, Eloise, I am so, so sorry." She whispered to the empty room, a tear trickled down Victoria's cheek. Time ticked by, as Victoria sat, waiting for the guards to return. Her eyes soon closed, and a peaceful sleep came, for the first time in weeks. It didn't last, the awaited knock came. Victoria jumped up, running her fingers through her tangled hair. She pulled open the door, and saw the four soldiers waiting.
"Victoria Towers?" the Captain asks.
"That's me," Victoria said, letting out a shuddery breath.
"Follow me, don't try and escape, escapees will be shot on sight." Without waiting for an answer, he marched down the hall.
Victoria walked after him, flanked by guards. They walked towards the Central Hall, the largest building in the city. Every once and a while they would stop, and pick up more people for processing. When they reached the towering building, the group had at least thirty people in it.
​Victoria was separated from the group and taken into a small room. A guard stood at the door, making sure she didn't leave. The room was almost empty, with plain white walls, one door, and a single light above. In one corner stood a small table, and a single chair, under closer inspection, they were both secured to the floor. On the table was a folded bundle of clothes. 
"you are to change clothes, and wait here for inspection." The soldier said, standing at the door. He then returned to his post, outside the door.
Victoria did as he said, changing into the black tank top and shorts given. She removed her cat from one of the pockets and reached down to put it in the shorts pocket, she realized that there was no pocket. There was no place to put the small toy, so she returned it to the pocket of her old clothes, folded them, and left them on the table. She sat down and waited.  her eyes roaming the bare wall, waiting for something to happen. After what seemed like forever, she saw the guard at the door stiffen, and salute.
At least fifteen people entered the room. One woman, no older than thirty years old spoke.
​"What's your name, age, and what residence building do you live in," she asks, obviously bored. 
"Victoria Towers, fifteen, residence building eleven," Victoria replied, her eyes roaming the convoy of people watching her every move.
"General, what do you think?"  the woman asks, looking at the man in the center.
"She's young, and not too bad looking... those scars on her face, those might be a problem, but that can be fixed. I think she should be open for selection, do you agree?" The man replied, his eyes roaming over Victoria. A murmur spread through the convoy, everyone agreeing.
"Guard, take her to the private holding cell, from her records she's known for troublemaking." The General said as he left the room. The group filed out behind him. The guard entered and pulled Victoria's arms behind her back. He cuffed her wrists together and pushed her towards the door. Victoria stumbled forward, unable to find her balance.
"Let go of me! I can walk on my own," Victoria growled, as the guard continued to shove her forward.
"The General was right; you are a troublemaker. I'll have to tell them to keep an eye on you." The soldier said, obviously enjoying himself. "Keep walking." Victoria was pushed down
hall after hall, the soldier taunting her all the way. They came to a long hall, doors lining the walls. they stopped at a door labeled 'Private Holding, 17a'. Victoria was shoved in, her eyes
working to adjust to the dim lighting. The guard unlocked one of her cuffs, freeing Victoria's left hand. He then closed the cuff around the bedpost, leaving her only able to move a few feet away from the bed. When he exited the room, Victoria collapsed on the thin mattress, tears in her eyes. As her exhausted eyes closed, Victoria remembered the fun she'd had at the scrapyard. playing games with the other Scrap lifters, laughing and teasing each other.
She would have no friends if she was chosen. She would be alone to face the months and years ahead of her. Completely alone.

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