Chapter Eight

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​"Hello, my dear." The Leader smirked, running his long fingers over Victoria's bare arm. She jerked away from his gentle touch, backing up against the wall in a failed attempt to get away from him. "Tell me, darling. What are the dreams about?"  He was too close, his nose nearly touching hers as he bent to be at eye level with her. 
"Figure it out yourself," Victoria replied icily.
"You know, Victoria. You don't seem to get it. I have control of everything, there's no use protesting. If I ask you a question, answer it." Victoria pictured Eloise's smiling face. He had her, he could do an array of different tortures, just to get an answer.
"The past." Those two simple words brought back an avalanche of memories. Resurfacing through the dark haze, unable to be blocked out. Smiles, tears, hugs, beatings, giggles, screams, sweet words, and terrified cries.
"Go on," The Leader prodded.
"How can you run from something that's in your head?" The question came out without her thinking. Victoria slid to the floor, resting her head on her knees. It was so hard. Staying determined, strong, unbroken. The Leader closed his eyes, then walked away.
"You can't."
"I can't what?"
"There is no way to run from something in your head. It tears inside you, keeping you from freedom. Always trapped by its voice. No way to drown out... the voices..." He seemed to drift in and out of a daydream. His eyes focused, then he turned and glared at Victoria. "Do you hear the voices?" Victoria made no move to reply but stared right back into his dark eyes. He shook his head, his dark hair quivering. His eyes then began to roam over Amber's apparel. "Amber, you look lovely tonight. You will leave, go immediately to the Dining Hall. I will be there presently, with Victoria."
"Of course, Callan." Amber looked hesitant but obeyed his order immediately.
"What do you want with me?" Victoria asked, hoping to get a straight answer.
​"I told you before, you seem like fun. You have an unlimited amount of determination. Amber, while she was fun, wasn't exactly... Resistant. You, well, I don't know how you've done it. You have gotten away with more felonies that anyone in recent history, yet you have nothing to show for it. I want answers. I want you because I want to. I can have whatever I want, so why not?" His fingers caressed her cheek, idly running back and forth. "Now, let's head off to dinner, shall we?"  He offered her the crook of his elbow, but she made no move to take it. His eyes got a steely look in them as he turned and glared at her. 
A sly grin slid across his face. His hand reached into his front pocket and pulled out a small, handheld switch, that looked eerily familiar to Victoria, but she couldn't place where she had seen it before. "You see, I've been waiting for the perfect time to demonstrate my Device. You just made it easy for me." He flicked the switch with his thumb.
​Pain raced down Victoria's spine like fire. She let out a tortured cry and crumpled onto the floor. 
Her screams echoed down the hall in a delightful agony. She lay on the floor, begging him to make it stop.
I have power, Colette. She must obey me. Everything will be fine, she will be mine.
​When he flipped the switch once more, the pain slowly began to subside. 
"Stand up." He didn't have the playful tone in his voice, it was steely, harsh. Victoria obeyed, her limbs resisting every movement. He offered her his arm once more. Victoria slowly slid her arm around his. As he led her down the hallways her stomach seemed as if it was filled with a swarm of angry butterflies. He stopped, suddenly. His hand pulled her up against him, holding her in place. She struggled to get away from him, but the constant pressure on the small of her back made it impossible for escape.
"Remember to listen, Victoria. Listen and obey, or Eloise won't live to see another sunrise." His lips were close, nearly brushing against her cheek. She shoved away, stumbling out of his grasp. An extreme hatred for him filled her, permeating the core of her being. Before she knew what she was doing she Lunged forward and punched him square in the jaw. He stumbled back, one hand on his face. Blood trickled down his chin, covering his hand in the red liquid. He glared at her, his eyes blazing, as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped off all traces of the crimson goo. He straightened, slowly, still glaring.
​"That, was not smart, Victoria." He slid forward and slapped her hard across the face. Victoria was sent reeling, her vision specked with blackness. She clenched her jaw to keep from crying out as she struggled to stay upright. 
"Come, my pet, dinner is waiting." He grabbed her arm and pulled Vitoria along behind him.
When they reached the ornate doors leading to the Dining Hall he stopped. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His hand rested lightly on the small of Victoria's back, then he pulled her behind him into the room.
It was all how Amber had described it. The Councilmen all lounging on stuffed chairs, surrounded by their favorite Chosen. The Leader dragged her forward, releasing her only when he was in his chair. Amber sat on a wooden chair to his right, her sightless eyes staring straight ahead.
"Amber, my dear, how are you tonight?" He asked, with no sign of his former anger in his voice.
"Very well, Callan, thank you for asking," Amber replied softly. her voice had the slightest tremor in it, as if she was nervous about something.
"Victoria, do sit down, my pet." Victoria obeyed stiffly, sitting on his left side. A man sauntered forward, his eyes focused on Victoria.
​"Good day, Callan, and who might this lovely thing be?" The man asked. Victoria felt too exposed, the dress too short, the top too low. She focused on her hands, concentrating on making sure they were folded perfectly on her lap, covering her split knuckles. 
"Captain, good day to you. This is Victoria, my Chosen." He replied stiffly, running his finger softly along her cheek. Victoria had to clench her fists to keep from punching him again. She closed her eyes and kept her cool. She had more to think about than herself, Eloise was out there, somewhere.
"Well, Victoria, you seem to have caught onto things around here rather quickly."
"What do you mean, Captain," Victoria asked coolly.
"Most are quite unruly, you understand things around here." He turned back to The Leader. "What is your secret to getting them so... Meek?"
​"If I tell you it wouldn't be a secret, would it?" The Leader chuckled. The Captain's hand slid around Victoria's waist, pulling her up against him. Victoria struggled fiercely, but his grip was too strong. 
"I like you," He chuckled.
"The feeling isn't mutual, Captain." The Captain let go abruptly. Victoria fell backward into her chair, The Leader laughed quietly.
​"That's quite enough, Captain," He said, standing. As he did a parade of servants and slaves came in, carrying an array of different foods. Victoria's stomach growled as the wondrous smells wafted through the air. She hadn't eaten in... She couldn't remember how long. Half of the women in the room stood and left, without a word. Amber stood as well but felt her way towards Victoria.
"Don't do anything stupid, Victoria. Don't make anyone angry, just... Please be careful." She began to head towards the doors, following the others.
​"Where are you going? What am I supposed to do?" Victoria asked. 
"The higher ranked Chosen have been dismissed. Be careful around the Councilmen, Victoria. Please. Listen to Callan, he won't let anything happen to you." She warned, before disappeared out the door.
Callan sauntered over, trailed by a slave laden with food. His mouth curved into a smirk as he flopped onto his seat. He plucked a grape off one of the plates and held it in his fingers, rolling it back and forth. He popped it into his mouth, grinning as Victoria pretended to ignore him. It was futile, there was no ignoring the man who had Eloise captive somewhere in the Palace.
Time passed by, far too slowly. The clock ticked on and on, never slowing, never speeding up, never stopping. Until something changed. A man, dressed in military attire marched into the room, needing to speak to the Captain. The vile man rose quickly, marching out the door behind the soldier. Minutes ticked by. When the Captain returned he made no move to return to his seat, rather, he walked towards The Leader. After a moment of quiet conversation, The Leader stood.
"Councilmen, due to some events that have occurred, we must have an impromptu council. Please join us in the council room immediately." With that, he marched towards the
door. "The Chosen can stay here, Sergeant, stay and lock the door behind us." The Sergeant saluted, as The Leader stalked out of the door.
When the Council men had filed out behind him, and the door had locked with a sharp click, there was silence. Some of the other Chosen seemed close to tears. When she spoke, Victoria's voice echoed in the quiet room.
​"Have any of you been implanted with the Device yet?" She was answered with a murmur of 'no's. 
​Thoughts ran through her mind, and a plan began to take shape. 
​"Give me your hairpins, I need a long one." She ordered, standing. An array of hairpins, all different lengths and widths got passed to her. She chose the closest one to what she would need, and got to work. The lock was easy, compared to the multi-combination keypads she had to crack to get into the military bases. After a minute, the door swung open. 
​"Come on, girls. It's time to escape." Victoria took a deep breath, then began to run down the hall. Deep in her heart she knew she would never be able to escape, but if she was destined to a life in captivity, she could at least free others from the same fate. 
I will not lose this battle.

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