Chapter Five

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Victoria stalked down the hall, her bare feet unbearably loud as they echoed in the silence. Her heart beat quickly in her chest as she struggled to keep her nervous breaths quiet. Her exhausted mind struggled to figure out which way was out. Somewhere behind her, she heard the faint sound of the guard's footsteps. She looked around frantically, searching for somewhere to hide. In the shadows, there was the faint outline of a doorway. Victoria's mind raced, enter and face whatever is in there, or stay here and get undoubtedly caught by the guards. She let out a deep breath and opened the door.
It was silent. with the door shut tightly behind her, Victoria walked slowly forward. It was dark, no light showed other than the small bulb in the hallway. The small amount of light that shone through the barred window of the door illuminated a small patch of floor, nothing else.
"Who's there? You promised, my nights are free. Please, go away!" A panicked whisper came from somewhere in front of Victoria "You aren't the Leader... Tell me your name and why you are here immediately, or I will call the guards."
"My name is Victoria, and... I need your help." Victoria slowly stepped forward, waiting for a reply.
"You are one of the Chosen? Who chose you, the Captain?" The woman asked.
"I was Chosen by The Leader. I need to get away, please, which way is out?" Victoria stuttered frantically, daylight wouldn't wait for her. She had to get away. The woman shuffled forward.
"Where are you?" The woman asked, coming closer. "Please, keep talking, how did you escape?"
"I... I don't know. My hand slipped out of the cuffs..." The woman stepped into the light. She was young, no more than twenty-five years old. Her golden hair fell down her back, surrounding her face with soft curls. Her eyes were pale and sightless, staring into nothingness.
"Please, listen to me, Victoria. The Leader, he would never just let one of his Chosen go. I... You need to go back; he is just having fun." She looked genuinely concerned.
"Why would you say that? Why should I trust you? I don't even know your name!" Victoria panicked, realizing that she was right, it shouldn't have been that easy.
"Shh, you must stay quiet." The woman said, as she tilted her head and listening intently. "My name is Amber. I know, because... I am one of his Chosen." She let out a sad little laugh. "I have been here for twelve years. None of The Leaders Chosen have ever escaped, it's impossible."
​"Then what should I do?" Victoria asked, despair sinking in. 
​"You can't go back now, you must keep moving. Keep trying." Amber let out a short breath and squared her shoulders. "In two minutes the guards will pass again, once they are out of sight, go down the hall, every seven minutes hide and wait for the guards to pass. You will find a small door, a servant's entrance to the Palace. Exit through there, and you should be outside. I don't know more than that." Her hand reached out and grabbed Victoria's. "Go, quickly. The morning will come soon." 
"Thank you," Victoria whispered, before slipping out of the door. She followed the directions closely, thankful that they weren't too difficult. Her soft footsteps whispered down the hall. Minutes passed by as her feet carried her closer to freedom. When Victoria heard the faint sound of the guards, she slid into a small alcove. Their footsteps came closer and closer, until they passed right in front of her, no more than three feet away. When their sounds faded into the distance, Victoria took another deep breath, and stepped out into the hall, once more.
The corridor seemed to stretch on forever. When Victoria finally reached the end of the hall she ran forward. The door was small, made of wood, carvings covered its entire surface. Victoria looked behind her, frantic to get out. She slowly pushed the door open, the darkness enveloped her, and she slipped out into the cold night air. Her eyes fell upon the Upper City. It was breathtaking; soaring mansions, towers, spires, domes, the most amazing architecture imaginable. All of it was made of white stone, with gold and green. Blues and reds popped up here and there, blindingly dark in the bright white. A river ran below the Palace, winding lazily around the sleeping City. the Palace was on a hill, no gates or walls stood in the way. The Wall was all around it, its imposing black bricks suffocating the City.
Victoria cleared her mind and focused on getting away from the godforsaken Palace. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and ran. She was no more than ten steps away when an alarm blared behind her. She could hear guard's shouting and the pounding of their boots as they
streamed out of the palace behind her. Victoria ran as hard as she could, hearing their footsteps growing closer and closer. Some were laughing as if it were a game. Victoria knew that she couldn't escape. Amber was right, it was all just a sick way for The Leader to have fun.
"Victoria Towers, you are ordered to halt." Called one of the soldiers from behind her. Victoria didn't listen, though she knew it was no use. Victoria ran, waiting for the moment when they caught up.
Then they did.
​Victoria was dragged in, her head hanging. Her head fell to one side, blood pouring out of a gash on her forehead. 
​"Captain... I see you have found her at last." The Leader said, reclining in his chair. 
"Yes, Sir. It wasn't too difficult." The Captain replied, standing at attention.
​"It wasn't too difficult... yet you had to knock her out to get her in here?" The Leader mused as he looked at the Captain. 
"She was struggling too much, Sir." The Captain replied.
"Leave me. Tell the Doctor on the way out to ready for the installation." The Captain immediately obeyed. The Leader stood, and walked over to Victoria's unconscious body. "Now, my dear Victoria. You will be mine." Victoria stirred.
"I will never be yours." She muttered, still unconscious. The Leader giggled happily.
"They all think that that's what makes it so fun." The Leader scooped her up and carried her into the operation room. "Doctor, I want her ready by noon." The Leader ordered, setting her on the table.
"Yes, sir." The Doctor replied, barely looking up. "Let the installation begin."
Hours later Victoria awoke, her head pounding. When sat up there were no restraints holding her down. She stood, holding onto the table for support.
"You see, you are mine now." Victoria spun around to see The Leader, barely a foot away.
"I will never be yours." Victoria hissed, her eyes blazing.
​"I like you, Victoria. Why else would I choose you? You are going to be fun."
​"You might as well kill me now because I will never be yours. No matter how hard you try. I might obey, but I will never surrender." 
​"Please sit down." The Leader said, shoving Victoria back onto the table. A screen lit up. 
"No. No, don't bring them into this." Victoria stammered, staring in shock.
"You see, control. That is all I need." The Leader said. He stood and marched towards the door, dragging Victoria along behind him. Victoria glanced one last time towards the screen before she was taken from the room.
​The last thing she saw was Eloise's smiling face, as she entered the Palace.

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