Chapter Thirteen

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"They survived, barely."
"What?" Victoria asked, her tired mind barely hearing the Captain's quiet words.
"Your servants. They won, killed four Upperclassmen." He leaned against the terrace railing and looked out at the glittering sky.
"Why are you telling me this? You hate me, and all the rest of the Lower Class."
"You deserve to know whether someone you care about lives or dies." His eyes roamed the skyline, never looking at her. "I know what it's like not knowing if someone is dead or not. Not wanting to know, but also needing to."
"Thank you." Victoria nearly gasped in surprise as the words escaped her lips. She clenched her jaw shut.
"Come, pet, it's time to return to your master," The Captain ordered, the familiar sneer returning to his voice. Victoria didn't dare disobey, no matter how much she wanted to shove him over the side of the terrace. She walked, her stiff gait making her heels click loudly on the hard, tile floors.
She was led past Ambers chamber, Victoria strained her neck to try and see her. Amber was the same, her stare blank, her arms hanging limp at her sides. Victoria's heart filled with dread as The Captain pulled her along, past the room, towards The Leader.
The Captain stopped outside the ornate chamber doors, leaving Victoria behind and entering. She strained to hear what he was saying, but their quiet whispers were blocked by the thick walls.
"Come in, Victoria." The Leader ordered. Victoria hesitated, her long fingers resting on the bronze handle. A sharp pain came from the cursed Device on her neck, burning under her skin. She turned the knob and slowly entered the dim chamber. She slid towards the center of the room, the silky cloth of her dress hissing against the cold stones.
The Leader lounged on a raised platform, steps cascading down towards where Victoria stood. The Captain stood to his left, a menacing grin dancing over his smooth face.
"Once upon a time I thought that I could talk reason into you. That no one had to get hurt..." The Leaders eyes glittered with malice as he spat the words at her. "You, Victoria, are who pulled the trigger, and signaled for the fights to start. You are the one who brought death upon them all."
"They're still alive," Victoria growled, clenching her fists by her side. "You didn't kill them."
"You really think their troubles would end that easily?" His teeth gleamed as he smiled. "Would you like to see them?"
Victoria bit her lip, but didn't reply.
"Would you?" He growled at her, anger flaring up behind his dark, glittering eyes.
The Leader rose and descended the stairs, the Captain trailing behind. He grabbed Victoria's wrists and began to lead her away.
"I am quite capable of walking on my own," Victoria growled, yanking her arm away.
"You are also quite capable of obeying, yet you never do," The Leader replied, dragging her forward. Victoria struggled but to no avail. His grip was like iron.
She sighed in relief when he slowed and stopped. The door blocking their way opened to a blank room, one wall completely covered with darkened glass. Victoria was shoved into a hard, metal chair.
"Vision on," The Leader ordered, speaking into a small mouthpiece. The glass cleared, revealing the gruesome sight beyond. They were all there, Martha, Bryce, Simeon, and Clara. Martha sat, nursing a tattered, bloody arm. Bryce and Simeon each had limbs hanging at odd angles, blood splattering their clothes. Clara's leg was shattered, twisting this way and that, small white bits of bone poking through the skin.
Before Victoria could think she was up, her hand placed gently on the cold glass.
"They'll die in there, you know they will," a small whimper escaped Victoria's lips before she could trap it inside her.
"That's not my problem," The Leader replied stiffly. "You did this to them, Victoria, don't forget it." He marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Victoria was left alone, the silence was only broken by the pained groans from across the room.
"I'll save you all, I promise," Victoria vowed, pushing the tears from her eyes. Somewhere down the hall, a grandfather clock chimed twelve times. It was midnight.
Victoria walked towards the door, pulling gently on the handle. It slid silently open, releasing her into the quiet halls. Her fingers traced over the rough walls as she ghosted over the hard floor. She crept down hall after hall, searching for a familiar room in the maze of rock. She quickened her pace, afraid she would miss Rip altogether. She finally reached the terrace and the open air. She slipped out, crossing her arms in an attempt to keep warm in the frigid air. She pulled her train up around her shoulders, the yards of silk sliding over her smooth skin.
"Hey, Vicky." Victoria jumped at Rip's soft words.
"Yeah, it sucks. She didn't even send letters back," Rip sighed, a small tremor in his normally strong voice. "We've got to get her out of here, she'll never come if we wait too long."
"Yes, we do, but there is a more urgent matter. Eloise will at least stay alive if we come back a second time... Rip, they'll die here," Victoria tried to keep her voice strong, but her tears slid out of her eyes. "It's all my fault, they'll die if we don't help them first."
"Victoria, we can't just leave her here! Not for some random strangers, don't you get that? She'll become one of them and we'll never be able to save her."
"Rip, give me your hand, please," Victoria asked quietly. He complied, hesitantly. She placed his rough fingers on the back of her neck.
"What is that?" He asked, running his fingers over the small lump.
"A tracking device... Torture device... all in one. I'll never be able to escape." The sobs escaped before she could stop them. "I'll stay with Eloise, okay? I'll keep her safe."
"Stop, I don't need your pity," Victoria snapped, trying to wipe the tears from her face. "It's just the way it is. We need to save Martha, and the others, I owe them that at least."
"You'll help get Eloise away, once they're out?"
"Yes. Rip, there's something else I need to tell you," Victoria paused. "Annabelle, your sister, she's here, I know where she is."
A wave of emotion crossed Rip's face before he pulled himself together and looked at Victoria once more. "Good, then she'll know what to do. Follow her instructions, tell her I'm coming at high noon, tomorrow, and don't be late."
With that he disappeared into the night, leaving Victoria alone in the cold.

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