Chapter Nine

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For as long as she could remember, Victoria had escaped. Escaped from her father, whenever possible. Escaped from her past. Escaped from the Military Bases. Escaped from people. Never had she escaped, without saving herself. She had always, somehow, escaped. Now she ran, not able to escape herself.
Victoria remembered Martha's words. The best way to escape is right through the main doors, there are only two guards... and well, there is a way to take care of them. It would take two minutes, at their current pace, to make it to the Entrance Hall. Two minutes to think of a plan. Two minutes to save them all.
The time went by quickly, and with only the rough outline of a plan, Victoria moved on. She led the group into one of the large meeting halls, thankfully empty, her mind still whirring with unanswered questions.
"Stay here, I'll be back. If I'm not back in 5 minutes... I'll be back." She slipped back out the door, not waiting to answer their questions. The small antechamber was right on the other side or the Hall. With a quick look around, she dashed out of the doorway and into the room. It was all how it was before, no trace of Annabelle, or their previous visit.
She knelt, brushing her fingers over the floor. She found the small lever and pulled. The trapdoor swung open, revealing the darkness beyond.
"Annabelle?" her soft call echoed through the room. "Annabelle, I'm coming up." She pulled a plush chair under the trapdoor, and stood, reaching up to wrap her hands around the lip of the hole. Her arms ached as Victoria dragged herself into the dim room. Annabelle was nowhere to be seen.
"C'mon Victoria, think, what would Annabelle have, that could take out the guards?" Victoria shuffled through the papers and opened books until she found it. it was hollow, shaped like a book, filled with random miscellaneous items, and a large vial of liquid. It was a crystal clear but had the distinct shimmer of Slythine. Victoria had only seen it once before, a long time ago, and she didn't want to see it in use again. She knew what had to be done, but dreaded anything having to do with Slythine.
She tentatively picked it up, and left the room, careful to close the trapdoor behind her. when she returned, the other Chosen were just as she had left them. They looked up, waiting for her to tell them what to do.
"I need to take care of the guards, then we're free." Victoria was surprisingly calm, never faltering, never breaking. She took a deep breath, then slipped out the door. She reached down and ripped a strip of cloth off the hem of her dress, and wrapped all but a small piece of it around her hand. She doused what was left in Slythine, then began.
There were two guards, one guarding the inside, the other guarding the outside. Victoria snaked up behind the first one, covering his mouth and nose with the Slythine cloth. Within seconds his eyes rolled back into his head, and he dropped to the floor. Victoria didn't wait to see his face, but quietly slipped through the large doors.
The other guard stood about three yards away, facing the City. He didn't even notice Victoria slipping up behind him. Her hand snaked around, shoving the cloth into his face. He grabbed her wrist, trying to pull the cloth away, it took all Victoria's strength to keep it there. His struggles grew weaker and weaker as the Slythine took effect. Seconds after he dropped to the ground, Victoria felt it begin.
The intense burning began to travel down her spine, The Leader must have found the empty room. She staggered towards the doors, swinging them open. One of the other Chosen must have been watching because they all streamed out of the room towards freedom.
The pain began to creep through her limbs, stiffening her muscles.
"Run They'll be here any second, get into the woods," Victoria gasped, struggling to keep from crying out.
They ran, fleeing towards freedom. Victoria sank down, unable to stand any longer. They first of them reached the woods, disappearing into the thick foliage. More streamed in until they had all disappeared. That's when Victoria saw it. The briefest flash of red hair.
Rip exited the woods, looking up towards the Palace. Victoria groaned, but stood, waiting for him to see her. His eyes rested on her, waiting for her to come. Victoria smiled, sadly, and shook her head. He nodded his reply, then disappeared, once again.
Rain began to fall, covering everything in its wet hug. Victoria sat down, her tears mingling with the rain. She closed her eyes and wept. The rain covered her weakness with its tears.
It didn't take long for the guards to come streaming out, at least a hundred of them. Victoria slipped out of the shadows, determined to delay them as much as possible. Guards grabbed her, dragging her back inside. She fought all the way. more guards came, holding her down.
She was dragged inside, past the guard she had knocked out. Though she tried not to, her eyes traveled to their faces, where the Slythine had touched their skin. The blisters had already begun to form, traveling down their necks, towards their hearts.
She tore her gaze away, closing her eyes from the ghastly sight. The Leader marched up, holding the small lever that controlled the Device.
"Leave her with me," he ordered. The soldiers obeyed, releasing her. "Where did they go, Victoria?" He questioned, none of his playfulness showing in his hardened voice. She glared at him, sealing her lips shut. "Victoria, my pet," he began, fiddling with the device in his fingers. "The amount of pain you are currently feeling is only twenty percent of what I can make you feel. Do you want to find out what happens when it goes up to say, a hundred percent? Or will you answer my question."
"No," Victoria whispered through the pain.
She was frustrating, no, infuriating. Never giving in, never breaking.
We'll fix this, Colette, together. He flicked the switch. She screamed and crumpled to the floor. Her limbs seemed to have a mind of their own as they shuddered around her.
"Where did they go, Victoria." He nearly screamed, his anger getting the better of him.
"They ran... towards the... City." Her voice was barely audible. He lowered the pain level to thirty-five, just enough to keep her still, then turned to The Captain.
"They're in the Forest," Victoria grunted from behind him. "Kill them on sight."
He turned towards her, still crumpled in a heap, and smiled. "Don't lie to me, my dear. Never lie to me." Then he flicked the switch.
The pain came, sharp, fast, never ceasing. Then everything went black.

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