Chapter Seventeen

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Victoria wished Eloise was being held somewhere, calling for Victoria to save her, not trapped in an elegant cage she never wanted to leave.
​Eloise sat, uncaring, as the prisoners walked away in the desolate wastelands surrounding the thick Wall. Victoria sat, caring far too much. Rip turned and waved before he disappeared into the fog. They were free, truly free. Victoria's heart yearned to be with them. It longed to be free, out of his grasp. It longed for Eloise to be walking away also, not caught in the magical spell of what she thought to be love.
​"Look at me, pet." The Leader's soft voice crooned. Victoria didn't give him the satisfaction of her gaze. He grabbed her jaw, forcing her to examine his calm, black eyes. He seemed serene, no trace of his previous bloodlust.
​"What will you do with me now? You've had your fun trying to break me, you now have power over me, there is nothing you can't do to me." Victoria glared at him. "But what now?"
​He stopped, as if to consider her words. "I marry, you've heard about the wedding no doubt. I'll live a happy life... a..." He trailed off, staring into the distance.
​His grip loosened, barely, but it was all Victoria needed. She jerked away and ran. She could feel her cowardice permeating her bones, but she ran anyway. She ran until she found what she was looking for, solitude.
​She pulled herself up into the little attic space Annabelle once occupied. It looks abandoned, scattered papers fluttering in the breeze. Victoria went and tried to close the windows, to block out the noise of the Upperclassmen's celebration. The metal screamed, but held firm.
​The wind wailed past as rain began to thunder down outside. Pages were torn apart as they spun in whirlwinds around the small room. Victoria wept, all her pent-up weakness overflowing as the skies bled. Thunder growled as the clouds laughed, ravaging the earth with lighting.
​The storm roared on around her as she found peace, as she searched for the glimmer of hope in the darkness of the Palace. Eloise. Her hope. A hope entangled with the source of her fear.
​As her world spun in whirlwinds, and bent under the ruling thumb of The Leader, Victoria knew one thing. If Eloise understood, if she knew what her precious Callan had done, she would never hesitate to leave the godforsaken Palace. Victoria could win, once and for all.
​The pain came, waking Victoria from her restless slumber. Victoria knew it was a summons, a call from her Master to leave her hiding spot. She didn't bother to try and hide from it. Her limbs ached as she stood and descended the small ladder.
​With each step of obedience Victoria felt as if she was betraying herself. As if she was denying herself air. With every step of surrender, Victoria knew that freedom was the only thing that she could really hold on to. Freedom was her new hope.
​The victory was bittersweet. Her obedience came with only the foreboding of a plot undoubtedly forming in her head. Callan turned towards her, standing in front of him.
You know what you must do, my love. Collette's soft voice urges him. She must be punished, you must make a mockery of her every thought of escape. You must prove your worth, and make her pay for her hatred. Make her pay... Her voice dissipated into nothingness as Eloise floated into the room. Her golden hair cascaded down around her flowing white dress.
​"Callan, will you join me for luncheon?" Her childlike eyes begged him to stay with her, to never leave her, never forsake her.
​"Of course, my sweet," Callan replied, softly, smiling at her innocence. "I'll join you momentarily."
​"Thank you, my love." She replies, curtseying towards him. "Can Victoria join us?"
​Her name cuts through him like a knife, forcing him to grit his teeth to keep from snarling. "If would please you, of course." He forces out through his clenched jaw. "Captain, take her to get ready immediately, we dine in half an hour."
​"Thank you, Callan." Eloise can't hide her happiness.
​"For you, my love, I would do anything."
​The maids circled around her, their fingers flying as they prepared her for the meal. Her apparel was nearly identical to her previous outfits, dark makeup, high heels, and a black dress that exposed far too much skin.
​Victoria's mind whirled as a makeshift plan formed. She let out an unamused chuckle. Always planning, always scheming up another way to get people killed. There was only one difference. Now there was only one person who could die. Me.
​She thought about Sandra and Lilith, a family surrounding them. She couldn't take them away from that. She hesitated, thinking of how happy they could be, but pushed the thought from her mind as quickly as it had come. No, you will leave them, Victoria. She scolded herself. They deserve to be happy.
​"She is ready, Captain," a maid called, before scurrying out the small servants door.
​"My, my Victoria..." He stalked in, looking her up and down, examining every inch of her exposed skin. "You look absolutely ravishing." He smirked, and extended his arm to her. ​
​Victoria let out a deep breath and looped her arm through his. Don't run, wait. Wait, and the plan will work. It will... Her skin crawled as she was led into the Dining Hall. A large table filled the space, surrounded by high-backed chairs.
​"Do sit down, Victoria," The Captain urged, giving her no choice in the matter. "Enjoy the meal." He shoved her into a chair, running his fingers down her jaw before swaggering away and taking his seat.
​The Leader entered, Eloise on his arm, and sat. He was directly to her left, Eloise on his other side. The table slowly began to fill with strangers.
​Victoria closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then decided. Let's begin.

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