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so as promiseddd........

i started to walk there immidiatly and didnt stop, until i kept hearing the growls louder than before.

about 2 miles i focused my eyesight and i noticed the 2 groups going head to head

on the left was the vampires, hunters, rouges, whiches and warlocks with Ryder in front while on the right side was Rourks pack with him in front and Daniel and Jake behind him.

i was 3 miles radius away from the ryders group and i put up spells and traps so on the whisk of my hand i could trap them in and can give my self a couple of secoonds to save my life. once i finished  i went to the center and waited to see if they´ll fight or if it was just a stand-off

once i saw them going in to fight i started to run toward them.

they were both about to attack eachother when i leaped and jumped in front of them, i stood tall in front of rourk and said ¨back away from him now¨i said crueily.

¨what are you doing here?¨Rourk asked surprised

¨like i said, i´ll protect ur pack and nothing is going to happen to them so take them and keep them safe, i fight these guys off and i´ll tell you when its safe to come back¨i said cooly and without emotion while standing tall and straight

"no im  not leaving u here with them¨i he said

"yes you ar¨i argued

ï dont want to interrupt ur tslk but i want to kill both of u so if u would kiss now and we can keep going and me ending killing u that would be great" Ryder said

¨shut up¨i said at him and glared

¨how many times do i have to tell u that those eyes never work on me?¨he asked

¨how many times do i have to tell you that i dont care?¨i said back

¨well enough of that, ur dying and the only reason is that  is because you killed kayla? u remember kayla dont you?¨he sneered at me.

i heard gasps in the background from both sides.

¨öf course the stupid girl thought that she could kill me, really she had a title and i thought she would kill me but but she overestimated me and look what happened.

he growled at me

"you-you killed her?¨rourk asked extremely surprised

"öf course did u hear how painful the dead was¨i said sarcastically

"you-you¨ Ryder said and lunged at me and so did the people in his side

i lifted my hand and all of them went back and mada a barrier around the pack and i pushed Rourk back.

i then lifted my hands and made a dirt/sand storm around them until one of the witches moves her arm and it abruptly stopped.

then ryder got up and stood really close to my face and smiled, "before we start lets give a thanks to the best and deadlist hunters of all time" and stood to the side a moment later i saw 5 people come from the midle with weapons and dressed like me with angry expressions on their faces.

i kept my face emotionless and gave a small smile "huh so this is the big surprise u had to give me? sorry to break it to u but i already knew" and looked at them from left to right

"yeag well, i found out and i also found out that you want to kill lots of packs so they'll be instiguished, sorry to break it to you but thats not going to happen, as long as im here you will not hurt any more packs."

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