School Dance (Part 2)

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¨how about smile from Avril?¨ i offered.

¨no i dont reallylike it¨ Rourk said.

¨plus its suppose to be slow, buty not too slow, gtod i hate it¨he groans.

¨HAHA ok ok ummmmm¨i start thinking really hard.

ï got it!¨ he exclaims but him bursting from his seat makes me jump and hit my bum.

i glared at him, you better watch it i thought sneekily. ill get him later.

¨hey u ok?¨he looks shaken up

ïm fine¨i tell him ¨so wat is ur brilliant plan, sweety¨ i ask

ïm not sweet that is for girls, babe, im mean and scary alpha!¨he says and glares at me

oh! how much i enjoy getting him pissed, i´d say its one of my most endaring  qualities HIHI!

I get up and sit on lap and his beathing startes to fail him, HIHI payback time it is!

¨well in my opinion u are a softy and caring person" i say teasing 

sighign he gets up  and takes hold of my hand.

"come on" he says

 "Wha-" i started but got interrupted with him putting his finger on ny lips

"just hear the music and focus on it and go with the flow." he said

He started the music on his ipod at full volume and came back to me, he put a hand to my waist and the other took hold of my hand.

the music started and i just let go and started dancing with him.

I moved with him while he guided me all aroung the ballroom, it was really touching and i actually felt the song.

About 10 before the song finished i recognized the song, it was Mirrior from Justin Timberlake

when were about to finish he told me toget ready for the grand finaly, bebore i could say anything he lifted me from the air and spung me around.

We finished the song and we were both breathing heavily, me ffrom the surprise and him from the strength he used to lift, spin and not drop me.

but i love the whole dance and surly we'd win.

i just stared at his eyes that were mirroring my own thoughts.

i smiled at him and he started to lean in until the door opened with a bang and instead of me jumping and getting away from him he tightened his hold on me and looked to the side to see who interrupted us.

it was his beta and third in command aka Daniel and Jake.

it was bad news with the look on their faces. it was warily and angered.

"the rouges are here and they're attacking the pack" Daniel said

Rourk quickly stepped forward and gave them a nod they gave a nod back and left. he said "i want you to go with the females and the children"

i on instinct said;" no im helping as well"

"no u could get hurt" he said strictly

"i-" i remembered he didnt knoe anything sbout me, WTH am i suppose to do now???

"fine" i grumbled

"thankyou" he said and gave me a peck and hug and rushed out to help his pack. i quickly went with the females and children, but stopping first in the kitchen and took a couple of knifes. Just in case i'm not letting ANYONE hurt them.


After about an hour the door to the room we were in opened and i grabbed my knife but let go when it was Rourk with a small smile and a tired look in his eyes.

i quickly went to him and hugged him. 

"Come on lets go clean those injuries of yours" i said

we silently went to his room and i made him sit on his bed and cut his shirt carefully so i can clean and desinfect his cuts and slashes here and there.

After 2 hours of cleaning and patching him up i was exhausted couldnt really move. 

"thank you" he said

"ur welcome" i said with a sigh and laid on his bed with my eyes drooping, he painfully and silently went to lay beside me and we fell asleep like that, him from fighting and i from the anxiety from not fighting and patching him up.

the next mornng i woke up and felt something really heavy around my waist when i turned around i noticed it was  his arm around me, i was still tired from yesturday so i just got comfortable again and slept a couple more hours.

hey u guys well here is the second part, rite now im riting the thried part and im adding 2 more chaps and im closing the first book and later on im staring the sequel. Any thoughts???

well have a good nite 





Dark-flame ;)

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