The Fight (Part 2)

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Hey, u guys I cant believe I have 209!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im sooooooooooooo happy

anyways, since I finished my exams today and im happy I have lots of reads, im writing the second part of the chapter.

But first lets clear a few things up......


Keegan Cole 17, junior

Nick Cole 18, senior

Sam Cole 18, senior

Jasper Cole 18, senior


Drake Cole 30 (Keegan's dad)

Layla Cole 28 (Keegan's mom)


Rourk Slayer 17, junior (alpha)

Shane Slayer 30 (Rourk's dad)

Jennifer Slayer 28 (Rourk's mom)

Daniel Roor 17, junior (beta of Rourk)

Jake Ishcom 17, junior (theird in command)

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