Introducing my family and myself!

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Hey u guys! waz up pp?

chapter 1


While I was running, I felt eyes on me, which was kind of weird, but whatever.

So I stopped to look around quickly while grabbing my gun, but there was nothing. I felt watched and it creped me out. Suddenly I heard the thumps of my brothers coming which snapped me back to reality, I shook my head rapidly and was off again.

end of flashback......

So now I was in my room just laying on my bed. I was tired from all the training but it was worth it and in a way its a form of relaxing my body.

Ok so maybe I should tell you a little about myself....

My name is Keegan Cole. I have brown hair with golden highlights (that shine in the sun but turn darker when my hair is wet), I'm fair colored skin, I have brown eyes, I'm pretty tall, not super tall but taller than most girls, except my brothers, their really tall. I don't go crazy when it comes to shopping, I love coffee, I love reading, I like looking good but not in an inappropriate way (confusing right?), I'm not a girly girl, and you'll always see me in my traditional heels (meaning you'll ALWAYS see me in heels). I don't know since I was 12 I got this adoration to heels its creepy.

 Im a hunter. Not the ones that kill deer and squirrls and stuff! No! I kill werewolfes, vampires, warlocks, fairies anything from the supernatural world. (THAT IS BREAKING THE LAW!) You see since we are separated from the humans there is this special council that keeps all of us in check, and we (the hunters) inforce the law when needed.

My parents are Drake and Layla Cole. My knucklehead older brothers are Jasper, Nick and Sam. Like all older brothers their super protective and a pain in the arse. I mean seriously! From another point of view, its hilarious that they don't let no guy get to close to me and it doesn't matter if its a "hi" or "hey", seriously its really annoying and gets on my nerves. But I know deep down I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love my guys even though their annoying, but I would never say that. Their egos are huge they don't need something else to make it any bigger than it already is.

All my family members consist of hunters. My parents are the best hunters in their time and now my brothers and I are on the spotlight. Usually I don't like killing them but I've seen what they do, especially the werewolves. But for some reason I just can't sort out but I feel like there's a difference between one wolf and another. Don't ask I really don't know why I just have this thought for a while now and I really can't get it out. Hmmm maybe I'm going crazy, who knows right?

So enough about all of that, I'm right now laying in bed and trying to sleep since I have to go to school tomorrow.

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