happy sad.

66 4 1

maybe I don't have a bad day

actually I'm so happy
every breath feels like a kiss from the air

I figured out that
while all of this magic moments
I get so sad
and this isn't about
being in a mental depression,
isn't about not caring enough about myself

in all of this sunshine laughs,
hours watching the flood and bridges like a symbiosis of coming and going,
feeling myself again surrounded of people I start to love,
starting to really love myself

in all of this months
I lived my dream
and I needed time
to understand
that I'm able to
be happy and sad
at the same time

I feel how I feel
cause I needed years of fighting to get to this point

this victory deserves my tears
more than anything

poems.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя