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Thanksgiving one year later

Leslie and Jenna were busy preparing a huge meal in the kitchen. Once again, Will and Greg had been sent out of the kitchen in shame after sneaking bites of turkey. Glancing over to the living room couch, Leslie's heart melted at the sight of Greg bouncing little, curly-haired Josie on his knee.

They had been fostering three year old Josie and her twin brother Micah for about six months. Both children had been seriously neglected, but after a short time they had started to show improvement both physically and socially.

After a few months, both Greg and Leslie had become very attached to the sweet children that had been placed in their home; they had started looking into adopting them. Only the day before, they had received news from their lawyer that Micah and Josie's mother had decided to give up her rights as a parent. They would be adopting the pair early in the new year.

Hearing Jenna struggling to get a heavy pan out of the oven, Leslie quickly rushed to help. "You should have asked me to get this for you." Taking the food from Jenna's hands. "Jenna, you are in no condition to be straining yourself!"

Rubbing her swollen belly, Jenna heaved a tired sigh. "I really don't like feeling so useless. This baby can't come soon enough! I wish he'd just get here already!"

"You do look pretty miserable." Leslie rubbed her arm tenderly. "It should be any day now."

"He was supposed to be here a week ago!" Jenna laughed.

"Well, he can't possibly wait too much longer, and I'm sure he will be totally worth the wait."

Their conversation was interrupted by the ring of the doorbell and Chloe's excited barking. Soon the kitchen was filled with friendly voices as Ashley and Alice joined the group. Greg's mother's health had failed considerably and after Ashley had graduated she had become the elderly woman's constant companion.

Leslie watched as Alice took a seat by the fireplace and scooped Micah up onto her knee. She loved the special bond her mother-in-law had with the little boy, and knew that it did them both a world of good.

When all of the food had been placed on the table, Greg led the group in prayer. Before they began to eat, he said, "We are going to start a new Thanksgiving tradition today. I think that we should go around the room and say something we are thankful for. I know that God has blessed us all beyond what we deserve, and today is the perfect day to acknowledge His blessings. I'll start...I am so thankful for the family God has blessed me with. He has given me a wife that still has no idea that she is way too good for me, and now we have Josie and Micah to add to the family."

"Don't forget about Cwoee." Micah lisped.

"How could I ever forget about Chloe?" Greg tousled the boy's hair playfully.

"I'm thankful that God loved me enough to die for me, even though there is nothing I could ever do to deserve it. It is something that I will never get over." Ashley wiped a tear from her eye. "And I'm thankful that Leslie loved me enough to point me to Christ."

"I'm thankful that God brought Ashley to help me just when I needed someone the most." Alice beamed.

"I'm thankful that after Jenna having two miscarriages, God is blessing us with a healty baby that will hopefully make his appearance this weekend." Will couldn't hide his proud smile.

"I'm thankful that this baby can't possibly stay in here forever." Jenna laughed.

It was Leslie's turn, and her heart was so overwhelmed with gratitude for so many things that she had a hard time picking just one. "I have so many things to be thankful for! I'm thankful for my family, of course. I'm thankful for all of the miracles God has worked in my life. Not too very long ago I thought I would be alone forever, then God brought Greg into my life. I think that the way He worked to let us adopt Micah and Josie is a miracle, and now... God is just so good!" Turning to Greg she flashed him an excited smile; he gave her a questioning look, and her smile broadened.

Just as the dishes were being taken from the table, Jenna bent down with her hand on her abdomen and let out a cry.

Will was instantly by her side. "Is it time?" The look on his face was an odd mixture of excitement and concern.

"I think it is." Jenna slowly returned to a standing position. "I hate to eat and run, but we need to go have a baby!"

Will grabbed their coats, and they left in a flurry as everyone wished them luck and promised to pray that all would go well.


After the guests had left and the twins had been read their bedtime story and tucked into bed, Leslie and Greg went down to the kitchen.

"Would you like me to make you some hot chocolate?" Leslie tenderly squeezed his arm.

"That sounds wonderful. Do you need some help?"

"No thank you, it will just take a minute."

Sitting on the couch, Greg leaned down and scratched Chloe between the ears until she heaved a contented sigh.

"Here you go." Leslie handed him the steaming mug, and snuggled close to him on the couch. For a moment, the crackling of the fire in the fireplace was the only sound to be heard. The room was bathed in a soft glow.

Setting her mug on the coffee table and adjusting herself to face him, Leslie rested her arm on the back of the couch and let her fingers brush against the back of his neck.

Feeling the touch of her hand sent electricity down his spine, and when he lifted his gaze to look into her eyes, she looked more beautiful to him than ever. He lifted his hand to stroke her cheek. "Do you have any idea how thankful I am for you, Leslie?"

"I think so." She gave him a sweet smile that made his heart pound. "There is somehing else that I think you will be thankful for too. Would you like to know what it is?"

"Yes." He leaned down and kissed her neck breathing in the scent of her green apple shampoo.

He felt her breath tickle his ear as she whipered. "You're going to be a daddy."

As her words sank in, his heart beat wildly in his chest. Lifting his eyes to meet her gaze, he saw the huge smile on her face and felt his breath hitch in his throat.

"Leslie, do you mean it?"

She nodded her head as her smile grew wider.

"This is wonderful!" He pulled her close and let his hand rest on her belly. "I can hardly believe it! We will have three children by this time next year." His heart felt so full he thought it might burst with happiness.

"Are you happy, Greg?" He felt her arms make their way around his neck.

"Leslie, I never imagined that I could ever be as happy as I am right now." Moving his hand to her face, he learned down until his lips met hers. He felt her arms tighten around his neck as he kissed her passionately.

After reluctantly pulling away, she rested her head on his chest as they began to make plans for the bright future that lay before them.

I want to thank each on of you that has managed to stick with me as I wrote my first book.  You have no idea how much the reads, votes, and comments have meant to me, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

I will be working on editing this, since this is a VERY rough draft...

I may have another story working it's way through my mind, so stay tuned!  It's very different than Just a Click Away, but I'm pretty excited about it.  

I couldn't help myself, and had to share the song 'Everything' with you.  It's just such a happy love song, and I think it is the perfect song for Greg and Leslie :)

Again, thank you so much for your support!  Love you all!!!

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