Chapter 23

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 When Leslie returned to her apartment, she was walking on air. For the first time, it became clear to her that Greg was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She breathed a prayer of thanks that what she had with Adam had only turned out to be friendship. Since he had never asked to meet her or talked about trying to explore something more serious with her, she knew that she had to end things with him, even though she never liked to let people down.

She came up with the words she needed to say while she waited for the website to finish loading. Noting a message in her inbox, she clicked on the little envelope, and saw that the message was from Adam. "This isn't going to be easy, but I have to do it." Leslie scratched Waldo behind the ears. "It'll be like ripping off a Band-Aid. I just can't keep sending messages to Adam when I am so sure that Greg is the only man for me."

A gasp escaped Leslie's lips as she read the message Adam had sent her. It was simple, but still managed to knock the wind out of her. She read, "I love you, Leslie." Quickly her hand flew over her mouth. This was exactly what she didn't want to read from Adam tonight! Not when she had planned to tell him she couldn't message him anymore. How could she break his heart? Tears stung her eyes as she tried to think of the kindest way to handle the situation.

After trying to look at the situation from every angle, she decided to wait to send him any message at all. She was going out with her friends on Tuesday, and would get some advice from them then. Surely one of them would have a way for her to let Adam down easily. Oh, how she hated confrontation!

"Waldo, we need to get some air!" Strapping on her furry friend's leash, she slipped on a pair of sneakers and they went for a walk in the cool night air. Worries plagued her mind. "How will I be able to live with myself if I hurt him? Why didn't I quit messaging him a month ago before his emotions were so involved?" In the midst of all her musings, she failed to hear footsteps that were coming close behind her.

"I hoped I'd find you out here." Leslie let out a loud gasp as she spun around to see who was behind her.

When she saw Greg's familiar face, she heaved relieved sigh and put her hand to her chest; trying to still her wildly beating heart. "Oh Greg! You scared me half to death." Her breath came in short gasps.

"I didn't mean to scare you! You sure are jumpy!" He walked to her side and put his arm around her.

Though Leslie longed to melt into his warm embrace, she felt so guilty about Adam that she was unable to enjoy being near him. "I'm just glad it's you. Why were you hoping to find me?"

They stopped to face each other, and Greg began to twirl a strand of her hair with his fingers. "Well, I heard that your birthday is coming up on Monday, and I was wondering if I could take you out to celebrate. Are you free Monday evening?"

"Sure! I honestly wasn't looking forward to this birthday at all, but now that I can spend it with you, it may be redeemable." Rubbing her hands up and down her arms, she tried to brush away the chill that was seeping through her sweater.

Greg must have noticed how cold she was for the next thing she knew he was wrapping his strong arms around her. Enjoying the warmth that coursed through her, she forgot about her dilemma with Adam for the moment.

"Can I ask why you have been dreading this birthday?"

Leaning back to look into his eyes she said, "I'm turning thirty. Somehow it has always been the number that haunted me. I was worried that I would be alone again on my birthday, and for some reason, it really bothered me this year."

"You will never be alone for a birthday again if I have anything to do with it."

She could tell from the look in his eyes that he wanted to kiss her, and truth be told, she wanted him to kiss her more than anything, but she felt so guilty knowing that she had strung Adam along. The thought that she had been untrue to Greg made her push her desires aside and try to move on with the conversation.

Pulling away, she continued to walk slowly down the sidewalk with Waldo close beside her. "So what are your plans for my birthday?"

"It's a surprise. I'll never reveal my secret." The mischievous grin on his handsome face made her giggle.

"Fine, I'll just wait and see. Don't do anything extravagant! Keep it simple."

"I'll do my best to keep it simple, but I won't make any promises."

She felt his fingers intertwine with her own as they walked together in the starlit silence. When his hand squeezed hers, she felt her heart turn a somersault and couldn't keep a smile from lighting her face.

"So, my mom wants you to join us for dinner after church Sunday morning. Would you want to come? I really would love you to meet her, and she is eager to get to know you."

"That would be wonderful. I'm looking forward to meeting her. How is she doing with her memory? I remember you saying she was showing signs of dementia."

"Things are definitely getting more difficult for her. She is struggling with normal, everyday tasks, and it's really taking an emotional toll on her. We have talked once or twice about finding someone to stay with her and help her, but I don't think we are quite to that point yet. I just pray that we can find the right person."

"I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm sure the Lord will bring the right person to stay with your mom. We'll just have to wait and see."

When they arrived back at Leslie's apartment, Greg took her in his arms and kissed her gently on the forehead. "I love you, Leslie."

"I love you too." It almost tore her apart to say those words, even though they were true. Inwardly she thought, "The sooner I can let Adam know that we don't have a future together, the better."

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