Chapter 39

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The days leading up to Thanksgiving were filled with lots of activity. Leslie, who had been put in charge of baking the pies, spent most of her spare time rolling out pie crusts and making fillings. Late Wednesday night she pulled the last apple pie out of the oven and and heaved a sigh of satisfaction as she looked at her handiwork. There were only going to be six of them for dinner, but each person had requested a different kind of pie.

Standing in the kitchen with her hands on her hips in victory, she felt Greg sneak up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. When she leaned against him, he buried his face in the hair by her neck. "Those pies look way too good. I might have to sneak a piece tonight after you go to sleep." Tenderly he kissed her cheek.

"You had better not! Those are for tomorrow, you can't be digging through them tonight." Turning around, she gave him the sternest look she could muster. Unfortunately when she looked into the puppy dog eyes he was giving her, she caved in a little. "Ok, maybe just a sliver...but that's all until tomorrow!"

Not needing any additional encouragement, he quickly got a plate and a knife and cut himself a tiny piece of the fresh apple pie. "Do you want some?" He quirked a questioning eyebrow at her.

"I shouldn't...but yes."

Getting a second plate, he cut another small piece of pie and brought both plates to the living room couch. They sat down side by side, both lost in their separate thoughts. In the midst of her musings, Leslie could feel his eyes on her and she turned to look at him. "Why are you staring? Is something wrong?" Lifting her hand to her hair she felt around to determine if anything was terribly our of place.

"Nothing's wrong; you're absolutely perfect." The look in his eye made her heart do a flip in her chest.

"Then why are you staring at me? Don't people normally stare if you're hunch-backed or have something hanging out of your nose?"

His laughter filled the room. "Not always; sometimes people stare when they can't seem to get over how lucky they are. At least that is the case with me."

"Oh, eat your pie! You are obviously out of your mind from exhaustion." She waved a dismissive hand and laughed.

"You don't have to tell me twice to eat my pie, becuase it's delicious. I will have you know that I'm not that tired, sweetheart, and I mean every word of what I say." Giving her a wink, he took a bite of pie.

She could feel a blush creep up her cheeks at his words. In her heart, she knew that he meant what he said. Thinking back to only six months before, she was shocked to see just how much her life had changed. She had felt destined to spend her life alone, and then God had brought Greg across her path. Now she couldn't imagine her life without him by her side. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she contemplated the unexpected blessing God had given her when He had brought Greg into her life.


Jenna and Leslie bustled around the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the meal. Both Will and Greg had been banished to the living room after sneaking pieces of the turkey off the seving tray.

A knock at the door signaled that Alice and Ashley had arrived, and Leslie heard their excited voices as Greg answered the door. Leaving the kitchen for a minute, she rushed out to the living area to greet them and give them both hugs. For the first time in years, she felt like she was part of a real family, and her heart was overwhelmed with thankfulness in that moment.

When everything was set out on the counter, they each filled their plates and sat at the table. Joining hands, Will offered a prayer of thanks for the food, and for all the many blessings each one had experienced during the year. Leslie felt Greg squeeze her hand, and a smile touched her lips.

There was not much talking for the first few minutes as everyone enjoyed the feast before them; everyone that is, except Greg. Leslie noticed that he was just picking at his food, which was totally unlike him. "Are you feeling alright?" She leaned over and whipered in his ear. "Normally you eat like a horse, but you've barely touched anything."

"I'm fine." He put a spoonful of mashed potates in his mouth with to either prove that he was fine or end this line of questioning.

Taking him at his word, she turned to Ashley to catch up with the happenings in her life and see how school was going.

After glancing several more times at Greg, she couldn't shake the feeling that his mind was a thousand miles away. His gaze was fixed on nothing in particular, and his food had been practically untouched.

"If you don't feel well, you should go lie down." Her voice was edged with concern.

"I feel ok, I promise." He took her hand in his. "Are you done eating?"

"I think so, why?"

"I have a surprise for you, and I just can't wait to show you. Will you come for a drive with me?"

Giving him a suspiscious look, she answered. "Sure, I'll go for a drive with you. What are you up to, Greg Wyatt?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

The untainted excitement in his eyes caused her heart to beat faster. What was this surprise that had him so excited that he couldn't eat? After getting her jacket, and announcing that they were going for a drive, Leslie noticed that everyone at the table was wearing silly smiles. Were they all in on this surprise of Greg's? Anticipation filled her as Greg took her hand and led her out to the pickup.

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