Chapter 10

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     After Leslie had returned home and taken Waldo outside for a few minutes, she put a frozen pizza in the oven and got out her laptop. Even though her brain was full of Greg, she was curious to see if Adam had sent her a message or at least smiled back at her. Impatiently she waited for the website to load completely. She felt an excited flutter in her chest when she saw the little envelope with the number two next to it. Eager to see if one of those messages was from Adam, she clicked on the icon. One message was from Jack, and the other was from Adam. Deciding to save the best for last, she opened Jack's message first. Apparently he could not wait to see her again, and wanted to set up another time to meet. He indicated that he was anxious for that 'second date kiss' he felt she had promised him.

A very unsettled feeling took up residence in the pit of Leslie's stomach. "What's the deal with this guy? I really wish he didn't know where I live." Leslie looked over at Waldo. Though he was the sweetest dog that she had ever known, she also knew that he was very protective of her. Drawing a small amount of comfort knowing that she wasn't completely alone, Leslie let her eyes scan the messages again. To her relief, she noticed something next to Jack's username that she hadn't noticed before. It was a little box that said 'Block Match'. Without any hesitation, Leslie clicked the box, and all her messages from Jack disappeared.

Feeling as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, she turned her mind to more pleasant things; namely to Adam's message. She was impressed by how articulate he was; she had seen some pretty poor grammar in the two short weeks she had been on Christian Cupid. She loved that he seemed so eager to get to know her, yet was considerate enough not to bombard her with a barrage of questions right at the beginning. Answering his question was fairly simple, since it was the same topic she had taught her class earlier that morning. Internally she struggled. There was more to her reasons for loving Psalm 139 than she had told her girls. "Should I tell Adam why this Psalm means so much to me personally?" Leslie asked Waldo who was more interested in chewing on the rubber chicken beside her. "I think I'll wait. If I tell him, he may decide that he doesn't want to deal with my baggage and head for the hills. I'll just keep it light and positive for the time being." Sticking with what she shared in Sunday school, Leslie finished answering his question, and asked a few of her own.

As she clicked the 'Send' button, she sent a little prayer heavenward. She needed God's leading now more than ever. While Adam seemed to be a wonderful man and a great match for her, Greg's face was never far from her thoughts. Now that she knew he was a Christian, he no longer felt off limits, but when she remembered the beautiful girl she had seen with him at the restaurant a deflated feeling crept into her chest. "Why did he ask me to the youth activity if he has a girlfriend already?" This question was directed at Waldo who had fallen asleep on the loveseat beside her. "He was probably just being friendly. At least I know that Adam is looking for a serious relationship; he is on Christian Cupid."


At Will and Jenna's request, Greg had joined them at a Mexican restaurant after church. Both had noticed the pretty blonde girl he had been sitting with during church, and were curious to know who she was. "So Greg," Jenna smiled a very significant smile. "We saw you talking to a cute blonde in church this morning. Do you mind telling us who she is?"

Greg didn't mind telling them at all, in fact, he wanted to tell someone. Valuing the Fieldings' opinion, he began to tell them about this girl who was starting to conquer his heart. "Her name is Leslie Martin. I actually met her in the parking lot of your apartment complex about three and a half weeks ago. She's unlike any girl I've ever met, and I can't quite put my finger on why. I get this feeling that there is a deeper side to her, and I know that she loves the Lord. The craziest part about it is that last night we got matched on Christian Cupid!"

"It really sounds like she might almost be good enough for you," Will joked as he playfully punched Greg's arm.

"Do you think she could be the girl?" Jenna was practically giggling with delight.

"It's too soon to tell, but one thing I do know is that I have never felt this way about someone before. I'd really appreciate it if you guys prayed for me regarding this. I don't want my own desires to cloud my judgment."

"Of course we'll pray for you," Will promised. "You sent her a message, I hope."

"You bet I did! There was no way I was going to pass up a chance to get to know her better. I sent her a message last night, and she hadn't responded yet this morning, but she teaches Sunday school, so she probably didn't even have time to check my message yet. I hope there will be one from her when we get back to your place."

"Well I don't know about you and Will, but I'm stuffed! I say we head back home so you can check your messages. Why waste valuable time?" Jenna began collecting her purse and jacket when she saw that the men were ready to go.

When they arrived back at the apartment, Will and Jenna kindly allowed Greg privacy while he checked his messages, and he thanked them for their consideration by shouting into the living room, "I got a message back from Leslie!" He quietly read the message to himself. When he saw that Psalm 139 was her favorite Bible passage, he retrieved his Bible and flipped to that particular Psalm. As he read the passage to himself, two particular verses seemed to leap from the worn page. Verses 17 and 18 said, "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee." He could not understand why these verses were reverberating through his mind so strongly. Reading Leslie's reason for loving the Psalm, Greg felt like there was something she had left out. While her reasons were good and just, he had a suspicion that there was something she had chosen to keep to herself for the time being.

After answering her questions about himself and asking a few more, Greg kneeled down beside his bed to pray. "Father, I know that I don't know Leslie very well yet, but I have this feeling that she is carrying a burden. Please help me to know how I can best help her. I don't want her to have to carry whatever hurt she has experienced alone. Help her feel comfortable opening up to me. I don't know yet if it is Your will for us to be together, but I do know that I have never experienced such strong feelings for any woman before Leslie. Give me wisdom to know Your will. Thank you, Lord, for giving me the opportunity to meet such a kind and godly woman."

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