Chapter 24

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Leslie was busy getting her classroom ready on Sunday morning. The breakfast was set out, and she was putting up some festive Thanksgiving decorations around the room for the upcoming holiday. Ashley was rolling tape and handing it to Leslie who was putting up glittery, copper letters that spelled 'Give Thanks'.

When she heard someone clearing their throat in the doorway, she turned around to see Greg's handsome face. His blue eyes sparkled, and a smile crinkled the corners of his mouth. "Good morning, Leslie. I don't want to keep you, since you're busy; I just had to see you before I head upstairs."

"Thanks for stopping by! Ashley and I are just doing a little redecorating before the rest of the class arrives. Did your mom come with you this morning?"

"She did! I got her all settled in her new class. Are you still planning on coming for lunch today?"

"I am! I just need to drop Ashley off at home before I head over. Which reminds me; you're going to need to text me her address."

"Oh, Ashley can come too; she's very welcome."

Turning to Ashley, Leslie asked, "Do you want to come to lunch with us?"

"Sure! That will be fun." Ashley still had several pieces of rolled tape on her fingers.

Greg ran his fingers through his hair. "Great! I'll text you the address. Were you planning on going to the main service, or would you like to join me for the teen service?"

"I actually have nursery duty after Sunday school, so I'll just meet you after."

"Sounds good! See you after church then."

When Greg had left the room, Ashley looked at Leslie with a knowing smile. "He really likes you, Miss Leslie! I don't think he even knew I was in the room. Are things getting pretty serious?"

"I think maybe it is getting serious." Leslie could not hide the excitement she was feeling. "It's a little complicated though. I have some loose ends to tie up before it can go too much further."

"It doesn't look complicated from where I'm standing. You are both head over heels for each other, and that's pretty obvious. What's complicating things?"

"Hopefully something I can have fixed in the next couple of days. It's nothing for you to worry about. Let's get the rest of these letters up and get a piece of coffee cake before the other girls start coming.


Greg and his mother were standing in the kitchen. Steam was wafting from several pots on the stove, and the air was filled with inviting smells. "Oh Gregory, I loved the Sunday school class you brought me to this morning! The lesson was so encouraging; about how God's eye is on the sparrow, and how He takes care of us. It was just what I needed to hear today. I'm really looking forward to going to church every week!"

Giving the older woman a quick hug, Greg kissed her on the cheek. "I'm so glad you enjoyed it, mom. You have no idea how happy I am to know that you trusted Christ! Even though it doesn't make your problems disappear, you now have the Lord to lean on when things get rough."

The sound of the doorbell interrupted their conversation, and Greg's heart quickened it's pace. "That must be Leslie and Ashley. I'll get the door, mom." Before she had time to answer, he had rushed out of the kitchen in his stocking feet.

When he opened the door, he could see the look of trepidation in Leslie's sea green eyes. He ushered both ladies into the living room and took hold of Leslie's shoulders so she faced him. Gazing into her anxious face he tried his best to reassure her. "You have nothing to worry about," he said in a low voice. "She's going to love you. What's not to love?"

"Where do you want me to start?"

"Don't be silly. You're a wonderful person, and she will see that right away. Come to the kitchen with me, and I will introduce you." Taking her by the hand he walked her toward the kitchen. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze as they walked in.

"Mom, I'd like to introduce you-"

"Debbie?" Before he could utter another word, his mother cut him off and gathered Leslie in a familiar embrace.

"Alice?" Leslie seemed suddenly at ease. Greg could see her body releasing the tension that had been building.

"Wait, so you two already know each other?"

"Yes! This is Debbie! I told you about her. She was the nurse at the hospital that led me to Christ!" His mother's eyes were filled with unshed tears.

Suddenly the realization dawned on him that Leslie was actually the Debbie his mother had told him about. His admiration for Leslie grew even more in that moment, and he felt as if his heart would burst with the love he had for her. He took both women in his arms as they shared a hug.

"This is wonderful! Here Leslie was worried that you wouldn't like her, and she is the very person you have wanted to see again. God does work in mysterious ways." They laughed and shed happy tears together.

"Well, Deb- I mean, Leslie! I told Gregory just the other day that he needed to meet you, because you would hit it off, and it looks like I was right." The older woman's face was lit with an amused smile.

"You sure were right!' Leslie giggled. "I'd like you to meet my friend, Ashley." She took Ashley by the arm and led her to Greg's mom.

"Hello Ashley, I'm Alice. I'm so glad you were able to join us for lunch." Alice folded Ashley in a warm hug."

"Why don't you two go out to the living room to visit? I'm sure Ashley would be able to help me in here."

Not needing additional encouragement, Greg took Leslie's small hand in his own and led her out to the brown, leather couch. Sitting down beside her, he slipped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "I had no idea that you were the Debbie my mom spoke so highly of. You are truly remarkable. Do you know that?"

"There is nothing remarkable about me, Greg." The way she looked into his eyes made his heart beat a little bit faster.

"You're wrong about that. You hadn't been praying for more than a week that God would send someone to share the Gospel with my mom, and God sent you across her path. Because you allowed God to use you, my mother will be in heaven. Leslie, the more I know of you, the more I love you. You are truly the best person I have ever known."

"Well, you are the best person that I have ever known." When she planted a quick kiss on his cheek, he thought his heart would hammer out of his chest.

Leaning down, he pressed his lips gently against hers. When she wrapped her arms around him, he felt the same fireworks that he experienced the first time. He smiled as he felt her relax against his chest.

"Ok, you two; time to eat." Suddenly Greg was aware of his mother standing in the doorway. Quickly pulling away, he cleared his throat. When he helped Leslie up he noticed a deep blush tinted her cheeks. He flashed her an embarrassed smile before they followed his mother into the dining room    

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