Chapter 20

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I was going to hold off on posting more for a few days, but for the sake of @mariaola2000 I am posting this chapter now.  She is so mad at me, and I hope this will help!  Please forgive me!

       "Leslie, prepare Exam Room D, right away!" Mrs. Blevins gave the order. "We just got word from the EMTs of an auto accident. They are bringing a man in, and we need to be ready; it doesn't look good."

As Leslie prepared the exam room for it's occupant, she breathed a prayer for the man who was on his way. "Oh, Lord, it doesn't sound good! Please don't let this man die! Give the doctors wisdom to know how to help him!"

Within a matter of minutes, the ambulance arrived, and the Emergency Medical Team had the bloody man on a gurney. He was being wheeled down the corridor as quickly as they could maneuver him, and they soon had him situated in the center of the exam room.

Leslie immediately noticed the lacerations and cuts all over the man's torso. When her gaze travelled up to his battered and bloody face, nothing could prepare her for the torrent of emotion that coursed through her veins. "Greg!" Leslie's cry was almost inaudible from sheer panic. She sank to her knees on the cold floor of the exam room. "Is this really happening, or is it just a nightmare? I need to try and wake up!"

The strong arms of the doctor lifted her off the floor. "Leslie? Do you know this man?"

Leslie nodded her head, unable to form words.

"We could use your help, but if you are unable, have Mrs. Blevins send someone in to take your place."

Knowing that she couldn't leave Greg's side when he needed her, Leslie managed to summon the strength and said as calmly as possible, "I'll be fine. I need to stay and help."

It quickly became clear that Greg was not able to breathe on his own, so he was intubated. During every exam and procedure, Leslie prayed that God would be merciful and spare Greg's life.

"It looks like he has some internal bleeding and maybe a collapsed lung." The doctor's expression was grim. "I need to call in a specialist, and he needs to be taken to surgery, stat!"

Before the doctor had made it to the hallway outside of the exam room, a long, low sound filled the air. The heart monitor showed a flat green line indicating that Greg's heart had stopped. Leslie's bit her lower lip in an effort to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. It took all her effort to continue breathing in and out.

With no time to lose, the defibrillator was prepared. The electrodes were positioned on Greg's chest.

"Clear!" The doctored shouted as the electric current sent shock waves through Greg's heart.

Greg's body raised up from the gurney as the shock was delivered to his system.

Leslie watched the heart monitor with bated breath, praying and begging God to give life back to Greg's body. The thin green line continued to fill the screen.

"Clear!" Another shock was sent through Greg's heart.

This time a faint blip was seen on the monitor as Greg's heart beat faintly. Leslie let out a huge breath that she didn't even know she had been holding. As his heartbeat gained consistency and strength, Leslie allowed herself to breathe normally again. "Thank you, Lord," she whispered as she wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eye.

Though his heart was beating and he was breathing again, Greg was not out of the woods yet. As soon as the surgeon arrived at the hospital, Greg was taken in for emergency surgery. Leslie wished she could go in and help, but it was out of her hands now. He was in God's hands, and that was something Leslie could draw comfort from. Waiting would be brutal, but she tried to stay busy and continued to pray for him as the hours ticked by.

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