Meeting Logan Part 2

Start from the beginning

I open the door slowly. I peek my head out looking for anyone. I see no one, and quickly make my way over to Rebbecas room. I'm about to knock, when I hear a conversation going on.

Rebbeca: "Alright, but hey I've got to get ready for a date.... No Lauren, its with this guy Logan. But I've really got to go. I'll call and tell ya'll about it later. BYE LOVE YOU!"

My heart stops mid beat. 'Date?' I mean we had a moment last night. I told her how I felt, I kissed her does that not mean anything to her? I kissed her twice! I rack my brain thinking of a reason why she wouldn't want to be my girlfriend. Suddenly two things hit me. 'I was drunk, and Max.' I don't have a chance to say anything when Rebbeca opens the door.


Rebbeca's POV

I keep my eyes on his, trying super hard to not look at his chest. Most people think that Nathan is just skin an bones. Those people are completely wrong, this kid has muscles. Most people also don't know how insecure the Gloucester boy is. 

Me: "Hey Nath, you alright? You look a bit hungover."

I spit the last word, showing him how upset I was about him being drunk last night. I see his eyes narrow me before he answers me. Venom in his own words.

Nathan: "Yeah I feel great, except for the fact that I kissed someone last night. Someone I thought felt the same way."

Nathan storms away back to his room. I stand there, mouth hanging open from what he just told me. 'He feels the same way?' He can't can he? I mean how he can he remember? He was completely wasted last night. I start walking over to the bathroom, on auto-pilot, thinking about what on earth just happened.


Nathan's POV

I storm into my room to find a shirt to wear and grab my phone. 'Two people can play at this game.' I pull up my contacts. I start scrolling through the thousands of number I have until I find one name that stands out. I hit the name, quickly putting the phone to my ear.

Me: "Hello? Chriss? Yeah it's Nath, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later. Yeah just come here and we can chill. Alright talk to you later."

I hang up the phone quickly before she starts talking more. I go over to my door, open it and make my way downstairs to make myself some toast. I hop down the steps, make a quick right, and saunter into the kitchen. 

When I arrive, Jay is already there curing his hangover with fruity pebbles and Mountain Dew. 'My best friend is so weird.' I don't look at him as I go over to make some coffee. I go over to the cabinet and begin digging through it trying to find the coffee. I start slamming things around, just trying to find the damn stuff.

I feel a firm hand grab my arm, pulling it away from the cabinets. Jay is my best friend for a reason, he can always tell when something is wrong with me. I get pulled away from the cabinets, over to the table. I slam myself into a chair. Jay sits gently opposite of me, waiting for me to begin. I take a few deep breaths, not wanting to talk.

Jay: "Well since you won't start, I will. I know about everything that happened. I was there in the bathroom during your little fight. Nathan, you can't seriously play her like that can you?"

I look at Jay, I sense I have hurt written all over my face. 'He thinks I'm playing her? Why would he think that?'

Me: "Play her? Where did you even get that from? I would never play her, she's too precious for that Jay. You know me better then anyone in this damn house! I would never do that!"

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