I started to run and look for her. I needed to find her.

I tried to catch her scent but I couldn't. I was just running around trying to find her scent and listening for her heartbeat. But it was useless. There was nothing that would tell me where she was.

''Try harder!'' my wolf growled in my head. He needed to see his mate.

''I'm trying!'' I growled back at him.

''Well try harder!'' he growled again and tried himself to contact Scarlett through the mind link, but just like I thought she blocked him out. He growled at that and tried to open the mind link but it was useless. Scarlett had shut him down completely.

My wolf growled at that. He was getting impatient. He needed to see his mate and nothing was helping him find her. Everything we tried was useless.

And suddenly like a miracle I heard James in the pack link.

''We found her.'' James said in the mind link, ''She is at the training field.''

With that I turned around and ran towards her. I ran with all my strength. Now that I know where she is nothing is going to stop me from getting to her.

''Hurry.'' I heard James but not in the pack link. He was talking with me privately.

''Is she okay?'' I asked him. I was scared of the answer.

''She is alive.'' James answered and blocked me out. That wasn't the answer I was looking for. I growled and pushed my legs further. Just a little more.

When I reached the training field I shifted back. James threw me some shorts and I quickly put them on. I walked next to him and tried to look for Laura.

When I saw her I growled. She was bleeding. Her white clothes were red from blood. She was kneeling on the ground trying to take deep breaths.

I looked over at Derek and saw him smirking. But what shocked me where his eyes. They were completely black. He also was on his knees but he wasn't as badly hurt as Laura and I growled at that.

I looked around and saw a body lying on the ground. It was Oliver. What was he doing there?

I looked at him closely and saw that he wasn't breathing.

''I can't feel him.'' Aiden said when he walked next to me with Molly, Jack, Dylan and Luke by his side.

''I can't feel him too.'' James said looking at Oliver. What happened to him? I growled knowing that he probably is dead.

When I growled I saw Laura look up towards me. And I gasped. Her eyes. They were pure white. Shining white. I have never seen anything like it. There was no other color it them. Just white.

Derek's eyes were pure black while Laura's eyes were pure white.

And only then did I see the two moons that stood on each side. The black moon on Derek's side and the white moon on Laura's side. Now I understood. They both were symbolizing each other's moon.

Derek was symbolizing the black moon with his clothes and eyes. Laura was symbolizing the white moon with her clothes and eyes.

I saw Laura trying to stand up but she just fell down on the ground again. She was trembling. She was getting weak. I growled and started to run to her.

''No!'' I heard Laura yell and James pulled me back with the help of Aiden. Why were they trying to stop me? I needed to help my mate!

''You can't go there.'' James said and I growled.

''You dare to stop me from helping my mate?'' My wolf growled out at him.

''I'm sorry Alpha but we can't go there. It's not possible. A barrier has been put around the field. It's keeping us out of it.'' James explained showing me the barrier that I didn't notice before, ''We can not go in there. Some of us already tried.'' James said and showed me a pack member on the Ground. It was Daniel. One of Laura's guards and Oliver's best friend. I growled when I saw him.

I looked back at Laura and saw that she was looking at me with scared eyes. She shook her head at me telling me to not go to her. I growled again but nodded.

My chances of helping her just disappeared. My wolf whined. He was scared for his mate. But I will not give up. I am going to find a way that will let me help her.

''Get me Amos!'' I yelled and Aiden nodded. He quickly turned around and ran away towards the pack house. Maybe Amos knows how we can help Laura.

I turned back to look at Laura. She was now standing. Derek raised his hands and made a tornado. He moved his hands towards Laura and the tornado moved taking everything that was in his way with it. Before it could hit Laura she moved her hands and made a wall out of water that protected her from the tornado. Laura moved her hands fast and made a lot of fireballs and made them fly towards Derek. Derek used his wind power and pushed them away but one fireball hit him because he wasn't fast enough to stop it and fell down. Laura quickly made water drop on him multiple times.

Derek cough and suddenly disappeared in the ground. Laura growled at that which made me growl.

She was looking around trying to find him but he was nowhere.

Suddenly he appeared in front of her and punched her in the face which made her fly backwards and land against a tree. I growled even louder at that. I need to help her.

''His here.'' Aiden said and I looked behind me and saw Aiden and Amos with his book.

''What can I do to help her?'' I immediately asked him. He looked at the barrier.

''This barrier is holding back everyone so no one can disturb their fight. I am sorry but I can't do anything to help you.'' Amos said.

''There has to be something we can do to break down the barrier.'' Jack growled out angry.

''I am sorry. There is nothing that we can do. ''Amos said. I growled and looked back at Laura. She was pushed against a tree while wind was being slammed against her.

"That's my sister over there!" Jack said with a growl and Molly growled as well.

''Even if we did bring down the barrier we would not be able to help her fight.'' Amos continued to say.

''What do you mean?'' Luke asked him confused.

''This fight is between The White Wolf and The Black Wolf. This is their fight. We can not disturb.'' Amos explained, ''Laura is the only one who can kill Derek.''

''So we wouldn't be able to kill him even if we tried?'' Dylan asked Amos.

''Yes, Laura is the only one who is capable of killing him.'' Amos explained to Dylan and he growled.

''There has to be something that we can do!'' James said with a growl.

"I am sorry," Amos said and looked at Laura just as Molly let out a cry, "It's all up to the White Wolf right now."

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