After having all of her things gathered into her suitcases she got changed for bed and sat down at the small, wooden desk at the bottom of her bed. On it was quills, pencils, and paper you buy from a Muggle department store. A small, light blue lamp also sat at the end of it and a clear plastic cup of paperclips. Everything on the desk was in the exact same spot she left them before leaving for Italy.

"You really hurt mom's feelings earlier," said Harper as she walked into Tilly's bedroom with her arms crossed, "I hope you realize that."

Tilly turned in her chair to look at Harper, rolling her eyes knowing Harper was only in here to try and make Tilly feel guilty so she'd change her mind about leaving and stay here.

"If I did it wasn't a purposeful action," said Tilly remaining unaffected by her older sister. "I will apologize tomorrow."

"Why do you have to do this to mum all of the time?" asked Harper with a hint of irritation in her voice, "last year you stayed with dad the whole time over break other than two weeks, and to add to the pile you didn't come home for any breaks for the last school year!"

Tilly closed her eyes as a sigh escaped from her mouth, she didn't feel like arguing with Harper this evening but Harper had to come into her room and mess everything up for her.

"Harper, it's been established as to why I wasn't home during any of this school year," said Tilly slowly as if she was speaking with a child. "I've been lectured on it countless times already!"

"It isn't just that and you know it, Tilly," said Harper in a stern tone, like she was trying to lecture Tilly. "Mom believes you prefer to be with dad rather than with her, she thinks you have a stronger bond with him."

What Harper was saying to Tilly wasn't wrong and Tilly wasn't going to try and deny it. It is true that she prefers to be at her dad's place because she does get along better with him, she also just enjoys being amongst other wizards.

"Mum isn't wrong," shrugged Tilly easily, "I do prefer to be at dad's house."

Harper let out a scoff as she shook her head disappointedly at her younger sister. Harper was always the one trying to keep the peace between her mom and dad and it bugged her to see Tilly so easily and carelessly picking sides. The look on Harper's face would hurt Tilly and make her think twice about her actions if she cared enough to ever listen to Harper

"Do you not realize how emotionless you are, Matilda?" asked Harper, her voice getting louder hoping it'd help get through her little sister's thick skull. "I'm trying to keep everyone happy and help you!"

"I've never asked for your help," said Tilly with a strong stare, "and right now I don't want it, so you can leave now."

Tilly gave Harper one last look before turning back around in her chair, ending the conversation. Harper was only able to shake her head at Tilly's actions and words before turning away herself and leaving the room. She now realized she was never going to be able to change the way Tilly acted or thought.

That night Tilly was unable to sleep; too excited to see her dad and be back in the wizarding world but there was another knawing feeling eating at her, keeping her awake. She wondered why her mom is so bothered that she has more of a bond with Rueban. It was normal for a child to have a closer relationship with one parent, and Tilly's bond was with her dad.

Finally shutting her over-exhausted brain off she was able to fall asleep to the soft sound of crickets and soft blowing wind from the outside.

The next morning Tilly made sure to tell everyone except for Harper goodbye and she loves them. When saying goodbye to David he gave her a tight hug and made sure to remind her to write to him more often and send him copies of the Quibbler. Little Finn, who was still a little sick managed to give Tilly a smile as she picked him up out of his bed and gave him a hug and kiss goodbye.Even though Finn isn't her full brother which she would have liked she taken a liking to him.

¹𝐒𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 ─ 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲Where stories live. Discover now