The run lasted only two minutes but when we got there all I saw were wolves fighting. Rogues where everywhere so we quickly ran to the fight and started to fight with our pack members who were fighting here before.

While I was fighting with rogues I tried to look for Derek but I didn't see him anywhere. Where was he?

I saw some dead bodies on the ground that were from mine or Lukes pack and growled. They had mates out there, family. They died because of a stupid bitch who wanted power. Because of rogues who believed that that son of a bitch would give them freedom and safety. They are going to pay for this. They are going to die. I am coming for you Derek. Just you wait...

Ross was fighting next to me. He was watching me. Protecting me from danger. When a rogue would run towards me he would jump in front of me and kill him. I used that as advantage for my powers. While he was killing everyone that attacked me I would use my powers and kill other rogues. I would burn them or drown them. One by one they would fall on the ground dead.

Suddenly I felt something powerful. And just like it came it disappeared. I knew that it was Derek. He was here. He wanted me to follow him. And I did just that. I ran after him away from the fight.

''Where are you going?'' Ross asked me through the mind link.

''Stay with the pack. I am going to be fine. Protect them.'' I answered him.

''Laura where are you going? My first priority is you.'' He said, ''I need to know that you are fine Laura, that you are safe.''

''No Ross, you have to protect the pack. I am going to be fine.'' I answered, ''Take good care of them. I love you.'' that was the last thing I said before I blocked him. I felt him trying to open the link but I didn't let that happen. He needs to protect the pack. They are more important.

I hope I will see him again...

I put all my feeling aside and ran. I ran after Derek. He was close.

After three minutes of running I saw him. He was standing in the middle of the field. That was the field that we train in. The one with the lake next to it. But why would he choose this place? This is the place it all started in?

He was standing there smirking. Suddenly he raised his hands up. I looked around and a wall was made around the field. I looked at him confused. What was he doing?

''What?'' he asked me when he was finished, ''Oh this?'' he said pointing at the wall, ''This is just a barrier so no one could disturb us.''

I growled and he smirked. ''Why are we fighting here?'' I asked him growling.

''Like I said before. We are going to fight at the place where it all began.'' he said and I looked at him confused, ''You really don't know anything now do you?'' he smirked and I glared at him.

''This place is where it all began. The place I was born. The place you were born.'' He said and I growled. I wasn't born here. I was born in my old pack. ''No you weren't'' he said like he was reading my mind, ''We both were born here, at the same place and same time.'' I didn't answer just continued to glare at him.

''What? Did you learn something new?'' he asked me smirking and I growled. That bastard is lying. I was born in my old pack. My mother would never lie to me.

''I was born here but no one knew that I existed. They all laughed at me, ignored me, but then there was you. The perfect child with the perfect family. I hated you from the very first time I saw you. You and you're whole family. I couldn't stand you! Walking around like everything was perfect! You had the perfect friends, perfect mate, perfect life! And I just stood back and watched making a plan in my head how I was going to kill you.'' He said growling.

''How would you know that I had a perfect life? You weren't in my pack. If what you said was true you lived in this pack!'' I yelled at him.

''That's true, but you came here often. Your parents were friends with this packs Alpha and Luna. And when I got my powers I ran away. I spied on you, trying to find every weakness I could so later I could destroy you!'' he yelled.

''Like that will ever happen!'' I yelled back and he growled, ''I will kill you before you can destroy me!''

He growled. He was glaring at me. I knew he was becoming angrier and angrier by the second.

''This was the place where you became The White wolf and I became The Black wolf. This is the place our wolves were born. The place where we were gifted with our powers. And the place where The White Wolf the daughter of The White Moon Goddess will be killed by The Black Wolf the son of The Dark Moon Goddess!'' Derek yelled and raised his arms up and closed his eyes

I saw the black moon coming up. It stood over him. His clothes change and now he was wearing all black clothing. He opened his eyes and they were black. I couldn't see anything else in them but darkness. He was showing himself as the son off The Dark Moon Goddess.

''Summon me.'' The Mood Goddess, my mother, whispered in my head and I did just that. I closed my eyes and raised my arms up over my head just like Derek did. I could feel the white moon behind me. And when I opened my eyes I saw that I was dressed in all white with a belt that symbolized water and fire. And in favor for me I wasn't in a dress. I was dressed in white jeans and white top.

Suddenly I could see myself in my head. The Moon Goddess was showing how I looked. And my eyes. They weren't red like before when I was showing myself as the daughter of The Moon Goddess. They were pure white. They were now showing me as the daughter of The White Moon Goddess.

I looked at Derek and saw him glaring at me with jealousy? He was looking at my belt. I looked at his belt but didn't see anything. The Black Mood Goddess didn't give him one and he was angry with that. I smirked at that and he just growled at me.

''What's the matter? The Black Moon Goddess didn't give you one?'' I asked him with a smirk. He just growled.

''I don't need a belt like that to symbolize my powers. I can just use them to do that.'' He said and raised his arms while at the same time stomping his foot against the ground and suddenly wind started to come from everywhere and the ground cracked open. He looked at me and smirked. I just smirked back and raised one of my arms making water come behind me and after that I raised my other hand which made fire appear behind me next to the water.

''You really think you can defeat me with those useless powers?'' Derek spat at me laughing and I growled.

''I want to see you try to defeat me with those powers of yours!'' I yelled back at him. He smirked and aimed his arms towards me making the wind come towards me. I quickly moved my right arm that was controlling the water towards him stopping the wind. He stomped his food again and pointed at me and the crack in the ground moved towards me. I quickly used my left arm that controlled the fire and jumped on the fire. It was holding me up so I wouldn't fall in the ground.

I smiled when I saw that Derek was glaring at me.

''You should try harder if you really want to destroy me.'' I said smirking and with the help of water made the ground under me move back together. I made the fire disappear and jumped down.

I didn't see him moving his arms because I was controlling my powers. So when I looked up I saw the wind move towards me with rocks and trees with it, but before it could hit me something run in front of me and took the hit.


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