Lunchtime Talk

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I looked at Jason and said "Your a Vampire too?" 

"Yes, I am."

"When did you find out you were a Vampire?"

"The day you told me about your dreams. Late at night. A vision. Just like you. Mines was when I was 7 years old and I took the blood of my mother."

As he said that I saw that his voice was empty, nothing, flat, emotionless. I thought I had problems, but I should have known that I wasn't the only in the world with problems. I just felt so alone. I took it out on other people by getting into fights. I hugged Jason as tight as I could. I didn't want him to be sad ever. He's my first true friend. Somebody who could understand. Someone who would be there for me in the time of need. I needed him. Jason.

"I'm sorry to hear that Jason. But I want you to know that I will always be here for you no matter what."

His eyes widen, then soften. They were so beautiful and gentle yet if you look deep enough you could see the sadness he has in his heart. I wanted to make that sadness go away, forever.

"What are we going to do now Jason?"

"Wait til Tuesday. . . . I didn't tell you but I've been having dreams and they were exactly like yours.. Something's going to happen to the both of us on Tuesday." He looked at me. Stared into my soul and said "We are just going to have to wait til then."

The Bell rang saying lunch was over. I held Jason's hand. I needed confront. I still couldn't believe this. I'm a Vampire. A real live Vampire. Wait til Tuesday that's going to be a short time. When Tuesday comes what disaster will hit us again? I have a hunch that on Tuesday I'll be a complete different person.

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