He's Different

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He was just standing there. He heard the door close and looked up to find me standing there looking at him. I blushed. I turned and started toward a peaceful bench under a tree. I only made it half the distance when I suddenly felt dizzy. Everything was going around and around. Then I collapsed.

Everything is so dark. This darkness feels different. I hear a voice telling me I will awake soon. Awake from what I say. I get no response. My head begins to throb with pain. Its happening again. This pain is familiar. Why? 


I wake up and find myself in the nurse's room at school. How did I end up here? I sit up and know that was a bad idea. I turn back dizzy and I hurry to lay back down. Better. Laying down I could still see the room pretty clear. The walls where pure white, many cabinets which held a lot  of things that I can't comprehend, and a office door. The door opens up and a nurse with the same boy with the extremely hard back walks into the room.

"So your up. I wouldn't sit up if I was you.", the nurse says.

"Yeah I already experienced that.", I say.

"Well your lucky Jason was there to carry you all the way here. By the way my name is Mrs.White." the nurse said. So the boy has a name, Jason.

"Oh Well I think I'm going to go now. My names Annabel Grace. Nice to meet you." I say.

"Are you sure you want to get up?" Mrs.White says.

"I'm fine." I say. Even though my head was throbbing with fresh pain, I got up. I walked past Jason and out the door. Jason followed me. I guess his class is with me, again. As we walked down the hallway in silent, which is fine with me I realized how late it was. Jason interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" He says.


"I heard about what happened in the lunchroom. With you and that drunk boy."


"I was just saying. I didn't think you could fight like that..."

"Because I'm a girl."

"Well yeah. And because...."

"Speak. Because what?"

"Because you don't look like the type who would fight and kick ass."

"True enough."

"You know, you is extremely hard to talk to."

"So why are you bothering to talk to me?"

"Well because I was trying to be your friend."

"I don't have friends period."

"Oh. Why is that?"

"I don't trust nobody. Friends, people betray you. You think you were friends, but as soon as you show a weakness they shove a knife through your back. Not literally of course. They do things they aren't suppose to do in a friendship, break it. I don't become friends with people. People can be pathetic."

"Who said all people are like that? Some can be kind and helpful or sweet and innocent. You haven't gave everybody out there a chance."

"I didn't think that way."

"Yeah. How about you start with me? Lets try and be friends."

I stopped walking, turned around and stared start into his eyes. He didn't flinch. I looked for a sign of him lying and saw none. "Why should-"

"You should at least give me a try, Annabel. That's all I ask."

I continue to look into his eyes, I feel like he's looking into my soul instead of just my eyes. I begone to trust his words even though I didn't want to. "Fine, watever."

We continued to walk in silence which was better then talking. I don't know why I'm trying to be friends with him. Why I told him all of that. It's just something about him that pulls me in. It makes him different.

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