New Mission

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Authors note!! I'm using a mobile so please excuse any grammar or spelling problems that would be fixed later. Other then please enjoy the story. XD


I sat up startled. Who could I tell. Its already been 6 months since I came to the vampire boarding school. I've made two new best friends. Amy and Leo. My life should be easy and perfect. I have Jason my boyfriend, my two best friends, I'm even a queen. Why do I keep having these dreams. There's something I'm missing but what is it?

I thought by now everything would be good and happy almost even prefect but its not. Ive got the vampire assassins on my heels. I have to escape with Jason and my best friends. My life has gone down heel ever since that day. I cant sleep peacefully now. Sitting up in my sleeping bag I looked around the forest we were in. This is what my life has come too.

It was a regular day at the vampire boarding school. I got up two hours earlier then Jason and begun to get ready. Taking my hour shower which for vampires its still a hour. We do have amazing speed but a hour shower is something we try to enjoy as much as possible.

Even though I'm a queen I still have to go to school which in my book sucks ass. I cant believe it though. I stepped out the shower and threw on the school uniform. Yes, I said uniform. Its black. Everybody has to wear a black fitted shirt with a red skirt for girls. The guys wore all black from the pants to the shoes and shirts.

Lucky the girls have a choice between purple, red, and black. My grades are perfect from straight A's or some B's. Jason has been doing just as good as me. I left the room to meet up with Amy. It was the same routine but I was stopped short. Vampires had Amy and Leo trapped. They had weapons but so did my friends. Using thoughts I talked to them.

"What the hell is going on guys?"

Not taking the chance to even glance at me Leo answered for me. "I don't know. We were walking to our meeting place when they jumped us. I believe they are possessed. By who I don't know. These vamps are new borns. This isn't something we should be dealing with but everyone is starting to lose control. We need to get out of here."

"Are you saying we should leave the school?" I asked. I was confused with the situation but i didn't let it show on my face.

"Well yes, thats what he's saying Bells! We ain't got no time for you to be confused. The whole school is under control and their targets are four people. Me, you, Leo, and Jason. With that reason alone you need to move your ass! Get a few things we will need. Get Jason and his stuff. Hurry up! Do I have to be the smart one." Amy yelled.

"You guys are going to be okay?" I asked still worried about them.

"Move your damn ass Annabel. Stop worrying about us and go. God you need to go help your boyfriend. When did you turn so stupid? GO!!" Amy replied.

I turned on my heel and ran. Then I stopped and laughed. Ive got powers now and I can get there way faster. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I pictured the room in my head. I felt like I was flying. My feet turned back to stone. I opened my eyes and i was in the room. It only took me about 5 seconds. I was disappointed. I mean I could have gotten here in less then 2 seconds. I have gotten too lazy.

I kicked Jason leg. His eyes flew open. I spoke through mind. "Get up lazy bum. We have gotten a major problem on our hands. The vamps are getting out of control. Someone has possessed them all and their coming after us and or best friends. We are leaving the school. Get up and back our books and other important things."

His face was serious and hard as he listened to me. I continued on. "You pack and ill stand ground outside the room." He spoke out loud, "Be careful out there. Ill tell you when I'm done. Go." I gave him a quick kiss and winked. I knew u didn't have to be careful I do fine without that. I turned to the door and left out closing it behind me. I faced the 10 vamps outside my door with a smirk. As I kicked their ass my thoughts traveled. What the hell is going on? Who is after us? And why? Where will we go from here? I cant live a life without some bullshit going down. Stupid and pathetic. I'm going to put a end to this one way or another.

Ive got me a mission. Whatever game these people are playing they ain't about to win because I know how to play and I'm about to break all the rules.

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