Saturday. Time Speeds Up.

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I woke up to the sound of banging and falling. I knew who it was before having to think. My little brother, Robert. He had blond hair that stops at his ear. His skin is light and he has big cute blue eyes, that always shined. He was skinny but the right type of skinny. He was always so playful and nice. Any time on Saturday he would play around the house, knocking things in his room over for space and tripping himself. He always awoke me on a Saturday morning.

I climbed out of bed and gathered my clothes for the day. I went into the bathroom and took my 1 hour shower. Today I was always outside riding my bike, shopping. So I didn't want to change my routine. There's only one thing that's different though. I don't want to ruin the surprise. I smiled to myself. I threw on today's clothes. It was a black jumpsuit. I had on a purple long sleeve under it. I had on my purple gym shoes with black designs on it. I threw my hair in a tight ponytail and curled the ponytail part. Threw on a purple head band and I was out the door.

It was already 12.23 which means I'm off track. I hurried and got my bike from the side of the house. My bike was black and purple. It usually made me stand out but today everybody was staring at me as I drove through the neighborhood. I ignored them. I made it to my destination in a record time. It was only 12.30. Only took me 7 minutes. Great. I rung the doorbell, feeling out of place as I stood there and waited. I looked around.

I was at Jason's house. The outside of the house was normal, there was a garden and the grass was pure green. Even the sidewalk to the door seemed pure white. Finally Jason came to the door. He was surprised to see me. His puzzled look made me burst out laughing. I mean gosh, that look was prize money for the funniest. He blushed. He was so cute when he blushed that I stopped laughing looked at him. Then I smiled.

"What are you doing here Annabel?"

"Oh you know just stopping by. You got time for today? Any plans?"

"Well no. I haven't planned anything."

"Great then your hanging out with me."

He said he had to go back inside and get dressed. He allowed me into the front room to watch television. When he was out of sight I looked around. I don't know what I was excepting but it wasn't this. His front room had a flat screen TV and the couch faced it. The couch was black leather that shined in the light. In front of the couch was a coffee table and under that was a small rub. Beside the couch on each of its sides, at a angle was armchairs. Black leather that shined as well. I took a seat on the couch and turned on the TV with the remote on the coffee table. 

I was watching a show when I saw Jason appear. He sat down next to me on the couch. He had on shorts that were black with a black T-shirt. His hair looked blow dried so it was shiny and smooth. It flowed with little effort. He can look good without even trying. 

"I heard about what you told Bridge, about me."

I blushed. I can't believe people went around saying that. Gosh. Give me a break once and a while. I smiled. "Well she pissed me off and I snapped."

"How did she piss you off?"

I blushed. I knew what the reason was. I didn't want her to try and make Jason her's. I didn't want her saying I couldn't touch him. There was no way in hell that I would tell him this. You've got to be kidding. So instead I said "She thought she was boss of people and could force them to do what she says, I hate people like that. They need to learn their place in life."

He thought this over and said "Well, I don't think that's the only reason why you got pissed. I'm not going to push you to tell." He smiled. So he knew. I blushed again.

"Okay. So what do you want to do today Jason?"

"Hmm...Anything you want to do is fine with me."


"Your making me regret saying anything, with that look on your face. Please don't drown me!" I playfully slapped his arm laughing. We laughed together for a moment.

"Okay. Lets ride our bikes around the neighborhood and shop around."

"Sounds like a deal to me. I was hoping you really wasn't planning on killing me today."

I stared at him. Then laughed. He grabbed his bike then we were off together. Exploring the neighborhood. All day, all me and Jason did was goof off. Laughed, played, saw the sights together. All our worries disappeared for the whole day. It was so much fun. We went to a amusement park where he won me a cute teddy. I won him a goldfish. The day ended with us watching the sunset while biking home. 

As I lay and bed and think over the day, I remembered that now Tuesday is even closer. The danger is even more dangerous. Now this is getting serious.

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