Time Is Going To Fast.

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WHY ME! Everyday the time went by to fast. The time flew past and before I knew it, it was Friday. Friday was to close to Tuesday. Nothing bad has happened to me over the last few days. The only thing that's bad was the fact that I had to keep seeing Bridge Glame's ugly face. She was everywhere, trying to ruin my day. As usual though it didn't work. One day she tried to throw food at me. That was the most stupidest thing I've every seen somebody try and do. I didn't get hit with the food, instead I just got behind somebody and kept walking while the other person took the hit of food. So yes my week has being going good. Til Now.

Its Friday. I should be saying "YAY!" because it's the weekend, well no. I have to start concerning myself with the day coming up, Tuesday.

I woke up. Lately I've started to be up earlier which is fine by me. I don't need Jane bursting in trying to kill me to wake me up. Not today. I took a shower for almost a hour. Usually a shower helps me think but today is different. Even after that long shower I get the feeling that something is wrong. I curled my hair and threw it into a lousy ponytail. No makeup today. I put on my red sweater and my black jogging pants. I also had on my red shiny bracelet. I was ready for another day of school.

As I waited for Jason to walk down the sidewalk I noticed the time on my cell phone. It was too early. I guess me being a early bird now, makes me have to wait longer then usual. Uh. Standing here is not helping me think. A chill went up my spine. I turned and looked around. I was alone. That's what I thought at least. I have the feeling that I'm being watched. Someone's watching.

I kept my guard up even when I saw jason walking up to me. He say the tension in my body and said "Something's up right?" I looked at him, he had his guard up to. I don't what he could do but I know he's not weak. He may act it but to me, he's hiding some of the potiental I know he has. I nod at his question and said "We're being watched." We kept walking like it wasn't nothing. The chill that we was being followed never lifted. When me and Jason was going through the short-cut in the woods, something happened.

The hairs on every part of my body flew up. In my head a voice was telling me to start running and fast. I looked at Jason, I guess he noticed too, the look on his face told everything. I knew he had what I had. He can fight. I know it. Before I could tell him anything, a hand went over my mouth and with their other hand they pulled me deep in the woods. I saw Jason try and grab me, but we wasn't excepting this to happen. We were totally surprised attacked.

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