A New Friend?

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The day finally came to a end. At least, that was what I thought. I was at my locker when Bridge Glame came up to me. She slammed my locker, lucky my fingers didn't get caught in the slam. She flipped her hair like she was the boss of everybody. "Uh. You know I don't like you right? You think your something just because you can beat up a boy. Well don't think you can do the same with me.", she says. "Look girl. I could careless about you and your little life. Just move on before I help you in doing so. I don't have time for your petty games." She just stood there in shook. I guess nobody spoke like this before. Well beauty queen just gone have to learn who she dealing with. Finally she spoke, "You is so dead!" With that she stormed off.

Walking out the door at the end of class I noticed how hot it was. Uh. Why did I wear a hoodie. As I was walking on the sidewalk which was the long way home. Out of no where Jason was tapping on my shoulder. I was startled.

"Are you trying to kill me! Damn. You like gave me a heart attack. Next time why don't you just say my name." I say.

"Well. Sorry. Your house is going this way?" Jason says.


"Well mines is to! Lets walk together."

"Why does this happen to me!!!"

:What do you mean? You don't want to be my friend that bad?"

I turned my face to look him in the eye. I know he's trying to hide it but I can see the hurt in his eyes. I felt a twig of guilt. I never felt like this. Uh. I hate it. "I mean I ....don't know."

"How do you not know if you don't want to be friends with somebody?"

"I just don't know! Damn. I can't explain everything I say."

"Okay. Don't get mad."

We continued to walk in silence which didn't last long. So suddenly two man in all black, jumped in front of our path. They pulled out guns. I knew what was going on. This again. How many times til they gave up. Uh. I'm tried of handling these punks. One after one after one. "Well Well look who wants to show their faces again. When are you guys just gone to give up? No matters, I know I'm not going to get a answer.", I say. I ran with lots of speed knowing I had to be careful with the guns they had. I ran up once again smiling. I got the first man in a head lock while the other held up his gun pointing it at my head. "Sweetie you is not getting away from us this time! You little monster.", the one with the gun held up said.

Now I'm pissed. Being pissed makes my instincts kick in, which is not good. This is fight is about to get bloody.

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