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Maybe I went to far by slapping him, but I'm having a terrible day and the last thing I need is some insane drunk freshman who think he can touch me. I stood my ground, I've fought against boys and grown man. He wasn't about to scare me. The drunk boy said "Bitch. You really want to get your ass beat if you hitting up on me." "I ain't never a bitch honey. Fix yourself before I break you permanently." I reply with a smile. The crowd around us went "oooooo" You think you can beat my ass, your just a girl.",drunk boy said. "Bring it on. Show me what you got, for a boy." I say. He grins and says " Okay. I warned you." He charged up at me.

Everything went in slow motion. I could predict and read his moves. It was too easy. Ha. He don't stand a chance against me. As He charged I took one step forward, pulled my arm back and as he got closer to arm length I let my arm go forward with full strength all at once. He flied back and landed hard on the ground. I couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic he is. I jumped on top of him and started punching him in the face over and over again. While doing so I couldn't stop myself I laughed and smile. He was so pathetic. Then I smelled the blood. That's what made me stop punching him and look at my hands. His blood was on my hands. I got off him and walked away. Before that though I put a statement out. "That's what you get for messing with me and thinking you was gone get away from it."

The crowd opened up for me as I walked past which was more like it. I walked to the bathroom and rubbed my hands clear of all the blood. My mouth was watering though as I watched the blood go down the drain. I'm just hungry. Then I start to go over what had happen in the lunchroom. What scared me the most was the fact that I was enjoying myself as I beat him senseless. I was having fun. I couldn't believe it, I never felt that way when I fought. I shrugged it off. As I walked out the bathroom and out the door for some fresh air, the same boy I had pumped into this morning was there.

As I Awake.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon