Chaste Kiss

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We return home, our hands interlocked and with a smile on our lips. Our hands fit perfectly and everytime he'd look at me, he'd grin. When he hugged me, I was glad I wasn't the only one with a racing heart.

He really did like me.

Over all this bad boy cover.

He just really does.

The way he simply understands is overwhelming and that scorching brown gaze of his makes my knees buckle.

We walk up the porch and I slip the key into the lock. When we step in I take off his jacket but I immediately missed the smell of his heavenly cologne.

I plop down on the sofa and pat the space next to me. He smile again, I'm getting scared for his cheeks. He sits down and I feel the couch sink in under his weight.

I get self conscious in matter of seconds. Only he got me like this. Whenever it meant I had to be within 15 feet of him I would always check my hair, my lipstick, my mascara and so on.

"Why haven't you ever dated?" he pops the question out of no where.

"Because I wan't to find a man that's worthy enough," I said. His eyes were hit mpby sorrow for the slightest second as he eyed the long scar on his arm. However, he did contemplate my answer, as if it meant something to him.

"Actually, I'm scared of it," I said and he quirked an eyebrow questioningly at me.

"People say it's an amazing feeling, but I honestly don't know if it's all worth it," I continue and he listens carefully.

"In a relationship, I need respect. I just have tonnes of these walls that I can't bring myself to giving a chance to someone. I constantly feel like it's too good to be true," I said and he looks at me with a serious expression in his face. He was still thinking, I could tell.

I blush and stare at the ceiling.

"I might seem like some unemotional freak, a sociopath but deep down I just open up to people who have the patience to be with me and to stick with me. I know it's a lot to ask from a guy, but I believe there is one out there. It's what I always believe. He should have the will power to deal with the crazy person I am," I said and a sigh escapes my lips. I noticed I was the only one doing the talking here.

It felt good to put it out there.

"I'm a difficult person. A man able to handle me, is a man indeed," I said and from the corner of my eye I see him place his hand  on to mine. The warmth invades my senses.

"You're right, you really are difficult," he said playfully and I pushed his shoulder.

"I'm scared to be hurt," I said and his grip on my hand gets tighter. As if being possessive.

"The cold and hard truth is that I'm really innocent, I don't know the difference between being played or actually loving an other,"

"I wonder if relationships are for me, they seem so complicated. Heart break after heart break," I said with a long pause.

"It's the beauty of it, it shows you how strong you actually are," he tells me while running a hand through his messy black hair.

"Tarai?" he said with a serious and husky voice.

"Yes?" I reply.

"We could try this you know? As slow as you like," he said but I give him a sad smile.

"I can't," I said but I was shocked, really shocked.

I get up, bend down to hug him.

As I pulled back he accidentally turned his head and our lips brushed slightly.

A huge amount of tingles rushed to my lips and heat to my cheeks.

I scurry upstairs and squeal into my pillow.

Oh my God.

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