How I Thought We Were Fine... Okay... Good

978 44 14

Hey guys!

I know you probably hate me, but try not to please :'(. I had a lot to do because of school and all, so I didn't get the chance to update. I also didn't want to just write whatever, because you guys deserve the best I can write. So anyways, here I am with a update! I hope all of you are happy and please please give me feedback! Love you, Meerkatgirl.


"Mama?" I called out from the couch. I was watching some SpongeBob because Coach worked us hard today. I had one last game left, prom was in a few weeks and my stuff for Harvard was all ready.

I never really thought I'd have a date to prom, actually I still don't know. Did I have the guts to ask Rahul to my prom? I'm not very sure. Every girl in school was fussing over prom, about what they'll wear, about who'll take them and about how they should put up their hair. As for me? I wasn't sure my boyfriend would want to go to the prom with me. He graduated, he's about to start his second year at Harvard and I really don't know what he thinks of prom. Maybe he might feel a little awkward taking his high school girlfriend to prom. Thought, he's only an year older. Those thoughts aside, was it too early for me to ask him about prom? Because we both knew mutually that we'd been together longer than when he'd asked me out.

He had the guts to ask me out... We're already together... This is prom and he's the only one I want to go with. God, why am I so complicated? Also, I'm going to have to do the asking... Never thought it would turn out like this but hey, change is nice. I was going to ask him. It was my prom and I'd go with my boyfriend. Hopefully, my mom wouldn't faint if ever I told her I'd go with Rahul.

She probably would.

"Yes?" My mom replied after what felt like ages.

My phone buzzed at that instant and I quickly checked who texted me. Rahul.

*Hey baby :) You up for ice cream?

My heart fluttered and I felt my cheeks redden.

"Tarai?" My mom called again and I stammered my way into an answer.

"Mamma? I forgot that Rahul was going to give me a few documents for Harvard... Can I go? I'll be back in an hour," I lied to my mom and it felt like shit. But I needed to see him. I haven't seen him in a week or so.

However, a week ago I was busy being the luckiest girl on the face of the earth. No joke.

Every time I think of those moments, my heart races, my pulse beats like crazy, I shake and I'm overall a pretty huge mess. I'm still very surprised.

"Okay beta, go ahead. Tell Rahul to drive you home, it will be late. I don't want you driving alone," she said... Pretty good, didn't go as bad as I thought it would. Obviously, my mom thinks he is perfect. Rahul this, Rahul that, Rahul knows how to fix cars, Rahul goes to Harvard... Pretty much. Not that he isn't, just saying how much my parents like him.

I go into the kitchen, kiss her on the forehead and grab my car keys. I locked the door behind me as I stepped out the front door. I was in a daze and I was feeling light headed.

This is what he did to me... What I wanted him to do to me. I'm tired of playing so safe, one taste of him and I'm addicted already. His kisses are like scorching caresses on my soul, he might not know it but it's hard to hide.

I got into my car and out the keys in the ignition. I was going to make the best proposal ever. Then again, I wonder if he went to prom. With who did he go? Was his proposal super romantic? That question made some anger bubble up within me.

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