What's up? Planes.

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I wake up and a drowsy feeling consumes me. I prop myself up on my elbow and squint my eyes.

I just had the wildest dream. I dreamed about Tarai kissing me on the cheek... I was trying to prove myself wrong and try to find a hundred reasons why she wouldn't. But my conscience wouldn't buy it. So I was failing.


You see, I've maybe developed some feelings for her. The day I saw her on the field stretching it was a beautiful sight. I honestly don't mean it in a pervy way but was talking about her dedication to the sport. However

Obviously, her beauty was a huge plus. Her midnight black hair was unique amongst all the blonds and brunettes.

Then I stupidly cat whistled, hoping we could hook up. I mean I could get any girl I wanted, but when she marched over to me as if she was planning on killing me I passed pretty close to shitting my pants.

After that she punched me and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised that a girl that seems so small in front of my tall frame had the guts to hit me. Shes doesn't get intimidated or shit.

Anyways I get up and run my fingers through my tangled brown hair. Indeed, it was kind of weird since the whole family had black hair and I came out with really dark brown hair.It still looks black though.

Maybe Tarai was asleep?

I tip toe up the stairs and quietly advance to her room.

I took off my wife beater, leaving my bare chest on show and tucked the piece of clothing in my shorts, leaving it dangling.

I stood in her doorframe and watched her furrow her eyebrows as she completed her homework. She was adorable.

She was so damn beautiful. It should be illegal.

Thick dark eye lashes were framing her beautiful light brown eyes. Her lips were the pinkest I'd seen and her skin was flawless.

I sigh but mentally face palm myself when her head turns to me in surprise. She blushes a scarlet pink. She was too adorable for her own good.

"Hey," I say smiling.

"Put on some darn clothes Rahul!" She shrieked and I noticed her cheeks flush.

I chuckle.

Well, well and well?

Shall we play with the cute girl here?

She gets up and looks down to her feet. I advance towards her and she gulps down. I push her chair aside leaving the wall behind her.

I back her up to it and when she hits it she tries to hide panic. Our chests were touching and her breaths were heavy. Fuck this shit. Just her breathing was getting me all tingly.


I'm being such a girl.

I take her hands in mine and she looks down to them quirking an eyebrow adorably.

I pin her arms above her head causing her loose half the shoulder top to rise a bit on her toned stomach. I nuzzle my face in her neck and her breath hitches.

Baby, of you knew what you did to me.

My lips find her ear and her breathing is heavy again.

"Tarai, don't you want to tell me you like me?" I tease and I feel her gulp down.

"You kissed me on the cheek didn't you?" I ask and just her gulping again was giving out information that she did.

"You won't admit it?" I asksmirking against the soft skin on her neck.I see goosebumps on her skin, what can I say I'm good at this.

"Do you want me to admit it first?" I say leaving a soft kiss on her neck.Her breath hitches again.

"I really like you Tarai. I'm stupid I get but I cant help it," I say and kiss her cheek.

Her eyes turn round and she sceptically eyes me. As if I had gone on crack.

"Rahul! H-how could y-you?!" she whispers and closes her eyes.

"Don't do this to me Rahul," she whispers her chest heaving up and down.

I couldn't help but feel my heart crack just a bit. A tear trickles down her cheek as she slumps down against the wall.

"I'm sorr-"she goes to say but I just felt anger burn in my stomach.

"It's fine Tarai," I say and stalk out of the room.

I hear her follow me and I sigh with a bit of relief.

She puts her hand on my shoulder and I couldn't help but feel sparks erupt in me.

I didn't stop walking though.

She twirls me around so I crash lightly into the wall.She puts both her arms on each side of me and huffs out.

"Are you angry with me?" she asks and my heart aches.

"No," I reply and she frowns.

"You are Rahul," she deducts.

"Let me go," I say but she doesn't budge.

"It's not easy Rahul," she says lacing her arms around my neck. And I shudder in surprise. She was shorter than me by many inches, even if she was what? 5'9?

I take in consideration the fact that her parents would chop my manhood off if they found out we like each other. And that she isn't allowed to date.

My arms come to wrap themselves around her waist and I couldn't help but smile. Her warmth had me going, she was just that perfect.

She stiffens as I hug her back.

She backs up blushing like crazy. A stubborn strand of her hair had become undone. I tuck it behind her ear and she looks up to me.

I smile at her and she blushes again.

"Do you like me at least?" I ask and her head jerks up to me.

I cup her face and brush our noses against each other. Her eyes close as I look at her dark eyelashes.

"Maybe," she says and it feels as if someone kicked my whole being.

"But you're going to have to try harder than pinning me to a wall," she says smirking.

"You have three days Agarwal. Three days to show me who you really are," she says walking back into her room.

She comes out dressed in a black crop top and dark washed skinny jeans and a warm sweater.


Long legs.

"I'm going out with the girls," she says smirking at me again.

As she passes me she blows me a kiss leaving me wanting more.


I'm stupid.

And I have three days.

I'm a moron.

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