Chapter 39: Telling Some People is the First Step Towards Recovery

Start from the beginning

Realization dawned on his face, "You were hiding." I flinch, refusing to meet his eyes, "You were afraid you would meet up with people you don't remember and you didn't want to make them sad."

I turn to Jae-ha with a fire in my eyes, "I didn't even know I was traveling, Jae-ha!" His eyes widened at my proclamation, unaware of how much of a toll everything he just said weighed on my mind, "I couldn't remember who I was with - I thought I was just here, apart of the crew. That I had apparently never left."

I was crying now, and trying to angrily stop the tears - which wasn't working in the slightest. I was freaking out now that everything was out in the open (to anyone besides me and Gi-gan), and I hadn't the slightest clue on how to clam down. But at least my comrade was trying to help.

Arms wrapped around me, shielding me from sight and allowing me to weep in comfort, "It's okay, Midori. I'm sure we can find a way to get your memory back."

"I sure hope so."


While I had a sleepless night, many of the crew members were not in such a state. I was, however, one of the first people to be awake - as everyone else was stuck in their drunken state.

I say one of the first because as I was walking through the group gathered and scattered across the docks, I ran into a familiar girl. Now, familiar didn't mean that I completely recognized her, but I guess she knew me rather well because she called out, "Hey, Midori!"

I had given her a blank stare as she made her way over to me, speaking quickly, "I'm so glad you're okay!" I shifted so that I could easily conceal my eye bandages as she continued speaking, "Yoon and I were so worried when we got separated. We didn't know what happened to you." She rambled on and on, but then, she realized something was off, "Is everything okay, Midori?"

I glanced off to the side before heading towards the practically empty town (since everyone who lived here were partying las night) and spoke softly, "Walk with me?"

"Ah," the young girl - she wasn't too much younger than me (Gi-gan was kind enough to tell me that I was 18 and would be 19 in January), at least she didn't look like it, "sure thing."


It was a rather silent trip through the many different pathways of Awa. Anyone who hadn't lived here for long would have gotten lost, but apparently, that part of my brain wanted to stay, so I knew exactly where I was.

Finally having enough, the girl spoke up, "What's the matter, Midori?"

Knowing I couldn't hide it anymore, I turned to the young red-head, "I guess . . . I got pretty badly injured during the last fight." The poor girl was already gasping - even though there were worse things that I hadn't told her yet, ". . . I . . . When I was saved. . . I guess the wounds were bad enough to call in the local doctor. He . . . said I lost quite a bit of blood."

"What are you trying to say, Midori?"

I looked down into my hands as they grasped the delicate fabric of my green dress, " . . . I don't . . . The doctor . . . he said that I would . . . that I could experience some . . . amnesia."

The poor girl was now beside herself, of all the things that I could have told her, this was not something that she was expecting, "Wait . . ." Realization crossed her face as I looked up to meet her eyes, "You don't . . . remember me, do you?"

"I'm so sorry," I said as I took a step towards her. I looked down as I seen the pity in her eyes, "I wasn't even aware I was traveling until Gi-gan told me. I assume you were one of the ones I traveled with?"

Finally snapping out of her sad mindset (though it wasn't completely, I guess we were close before I forgot), "Yes." She took my hand and began to lead me around - our arms now linked together, a familiar act as I came to realize, "Sorry, just shocked is all. Though I'm sure that you are just as shocked to hear of anything else, huh?" I nod before she speaks up again, "I guess I can recall what I know about you . . . if you want?"

I smile softly, "I'd really like that, thank you . . ?"

"Ah, I'm Yona."

"Thank you, Yona."


Hello again! 

Finals are coming up for this semester, but I'd rather be writing this . . .so . . .

Anyway, don't worry about my terrible procrastination, I'm going to do fine, but I really needed a stress reliever, so this is what is happening!

Can you guys believe how long this is? AND that there is still anyone reading this?

I'm so happy that you guys are loving this as much as I love to write it.

So, how do y'all feel about Midori's predicament? I'm sure I'm not writing it out to the detail it needs to be, but I hope it's kind of easy to understand. Also, sorry about the jumps this chapter, with Midori not being at the party, I skipped most of that, but I think her memory loss will lead to some interesting conversations with people she's encountered up to now.

Anyway, Thanks to everyone for reading, 


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