Chapter 24: She's moaning for dear life

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 Chapter 24: She's moaning for dear life

"That's it. You're good to go," I say as I close the enormous physics' book.

"What do you mean that's it? We've been here for merely an hour."

"What did you expect Wess? We've only been at school for almost two weeks." I shriek as I make my way to the kitchen.

"I don't know. Some hard-ass formulas? Einstein's shit?" he blurts following me.

"May I remind you we're still at school and not at the NASA unfortunately," I mock as I pull out some orange jus from the fridge.

"But I didn't know it was that simple. I thought we were taking advance courses," he continues babbling as he hops on the kitchen's island.

I roll my eyes at him. "It's the second week of school!"

"Hey don't blame me. I heard some seniors whining about how hard this class is."

"Just admit you wanted some excuse to spend time with me," I dare to say pouring the jus in two glasses.

"Flattering yourself again, aren't you Robins?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"So you admit I am right then?" I smirk handing him one of the glasses.

"You're right. As always," he admits jokingly. It always has been like this between us. Teasing each other was our thing. It's like the relationship you see between a brother and a sister.

"You literally had to open the first ten pages and read them to know what we already took in class," I chuckle, leaning back on the kitchen's counter my glass in hand.

"You know how lazy I am," he smiles taking a sip from his drink. "And I figured that, these days, I didn't really make our friendship a priority like I always did." So I was right. He really made an excuse for us to hang out.

"It's okay. I understand that you have other things to do these days like football practice and bonding with the team and what not..." I take a big sip from my glass preventing myself from continuing. I mean, I understand that our friendship wasn't like before. Especially since Maddy left and we started high school. We have a completely different life now, different from childhood, where we would play without a care about the world, all time long. Now everyone had his own life to pursue. He needed that football team. It was what he loved doing. Plus, it would earn him a really good scholarship for college.

"No, it's not okay-"

"Wess I'm not that selfish".

He opens his mouth to respond, but he barely got time since my mother just entered the kitchen greeting us. "It's been a while since I last saw you here Wess."

"Yeah," He answers grimacing.

"It hadn't been that long mom," I interject, as I notice how uncomfortable he was towards this statement.

"Not that long?" my mother questions. "You consider two months' time not that long," she chuckles as she busy herself in the cupboards. "I didn't know I raised a comedian in here."

I roll my eyes as I ask Wess. "Wanna go upstairs?"

He nods in response. He walks before me and I follow him. But before we could exit the kitchen, my mother speaks. "Next week I'll be working nightshifts," she turns towards me as she speaks apologetically. "And since your father is out of town for work for probably a month, I don't want you sleeping alone in here. Ask any of your friends if it's okay for you to sleepover and tell me."

"Why don't I sleepover at Wess' like I always do. It isn't the first time this happens."

"I prefer you wouldn't," she simply says glancing at Wess. Are they having a silent conversation without me? Does she know something I don't?

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