14. Sacrifice

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You got home and undressed, putting a black hooded dress that Mikasa gave you as a gift, which was generous and somewhat strange. Yet you put it on anyways, slipped in some black soft pantyhose, black boots, got your bag and phone and went outside to the cemetery, where you were said to meet your friends in. The tombstones, fog, and shrubs were enough to freak you out, you saw a building, must be a Crypt. You wandered inside, hoping your friends were there by each corridor you passed.

Once you arrived at the bottom, you saw the most horrifying view you've ever seen. Eren was on a throne with skulls on them. He has a crown of obsidian thorns, a cloak with fur and the skulls of a ram, his clothes were a pitch black, along with the shirt showing his shirt, below him were three people, the ones who bullied you in simple tattered clothing. Alexis, Tracy, and your ex-boyfriend, they all look like they saw someone close to them die. The rest in a circle with a pentacle below them, were all hooded figures, who took their hoods off to reveal your best friends. Your REAL friends. Mikasa, Sasha, Ymir, Christa, Connie, Jean, Marco, Reiner, and Bertoldt, but surprisingly, there were three more members that you couldn't believe were even in on this! Counselor Ackerman, Mrs. Zöe, who glared at Tracy, ashamed by what she's done. And principal Smith! You stood there, in shock of the scenario.

"Now then, what shall we do with these new sacrifices, my followers~? What shall we do to please me and bring justification for my beloved~?" The brunette said in a sinister way, looking straight at you, almost like looking at your soul. Your body was frozen there, unable of what to do.

"Lets cook them and eat them!!" Sasha shrieked, a crazed smile plastered on her face as drool flowed down the corner of her lip. "No! No! We drown 'em and watch them suffocate!!!" Jean yelled, almost to a laugh. "Lets let our special guest decide~" Eren said, everyone turned to you, making you more scared.

"Y/N, if you say no and help us we'll NEVER bully you again!" "Please!!" The pleas of your tormenters were just lies, you could tell. Your mind was slowly spiraling into insanity and falling for Eren's spell. You closed your eyes and then opened them. Making your decision.

(Insert torture method of your choice)

Eren gave a twisted smile at the idea "then let's proceed!" Eren said in rejoice. Everyone began preparing while the trio that tormented you for so long panicked. Once everything was set. You were the one to pull the trigger. And you did.

You listened to their body parts and organs rip apart, sounding like the crunches of food being cooked, their bloodcurdling screams were like music to your ears, you were spiraling into madness and couldn't get out, satisfaction and joy seeped into your blood along with the adrenaline. But Eren, with a crazed smile, watching, had more fun seeing them die, seeing the people who tortured you die.

Once the deed was done, he walked to you, clapping and giggling insanely "well done, my princess~~" he tilted your head up to meet his teal orbs "I love you~~" he whispered as he kissed you passionately, you returned it and licked his bottom lip for entrance, which he chuckled and agreed, both your tongues toying with eachother before you pulled away and said in a fit of crazed giggled "I looove you too~!!!" Your giggles slowly turned into deranged laughing, seeing as you finally found a place to belong in.
Not only have you died, but every sense of humanity in you, has completely


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