10. Insomnia

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You woke up, fluttering your eyes to adjust to the light, you appeared to be in your room, to your surprise, you quickly sat up and looked around, seeing that you were in your room with your backpack and everything...
Did Eren or someone else carry me to my room while I was asleep in the library? Was I teleported here? No, thats so silly...or maybe it's true..
Thoughts clouded your mind once again as you grabbed your phone and checked what time it is. 10:25..shit, past your bedtime, you contemplate whether or not you want to ask your mom for questions on what happened or not.

As you decide not to, you took your clothes, threw them in a cute pink hamper you had and slid on a soft white shirt with black ink-like design on it and sat on your bed, you tried to find some way to sleep. First you decided to watch some movies and shows that have creepy or mysterious supernatural things and other things of that kind, 'The Twilight Zone' , 'The Originals' , every Halloween special from your favorite childhood cartoons..even if it was the middle of May, the superstitious idea couldn't brush off your chest as much as you wanted to, you began to get a little hungry, so you retrieved a chewy granola bar drizzled in Chocolate sauce and a tiny carton of milk to go with it as you continued your research, you didn't find yourself to be tired..thats weird.

You would usually get so tired late at night on school days but now..you could stay up as late as you want. This idea made you smile alot but also think about what operation the doctors did on you, before you can get into your research about cults, you decided to research about your new form and way of living, you Googled:
What is the operation called to revive someone but give them a grayer complexion

Not much came up, but you did see a suitable result:

'Operation 8' as it was called. You tapped on that specific word and number, giving you a wiki page of the operation and an image of doctors performing it on a dead man. You began to read the page:

Operation 8 is a special revival operation used for mainly infants to adults who reach the age of 30, when they die in the hospital, the family member(s) of the patient must sign an agreement wager for this operation to happen once on a person and no more than one time. Doctors drain out the blood and put the functioning organs to sleep before starting the operation, making your skin a sickly gray along with another color mixed with it. After the operation is done, the patient will experience side-effects same as an undead being in media and books such as unable to sleep, eating raw, cooked, overcooked, or undercooked meat without getting salmonella almost to the point of being able to commit cannibalism, and damaged flesh that heals slower than the average human can.

All this information made you a bit panicky and uneasy, so you ignored it and sighed, finishing your granola bar and milk before getting out your books on the occult and reading them all night. As 5 AM struck, you've already been on your computer, looking at the wikipedia pages of popular Occults, some subjects making you a little sick as you read more and more but..at the same time you overcame the sick feeling deep within your stomach..the last. Sick. Feeling. To ever have in your past fully-living stomach. You began to hear noises, chanting almost, and you thought you saw light through your window, you turned to it only to see the dim blue sky of morning.

You could hear your mom walk up the stairs, you quickly stuffed the books in your backpack, and exited the websites, turning to the door as she opened it "hi!" You greeted unsuspiciously to her, which she only gave a concerned look "honey, you've been up all night, you didn't even get a small amount of sleep?" This made you a bit shamed. "The side-effects are kicking in" you replied as you took your pajama shirt off and got ready for school.

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