11. day

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As you walked to school in black shirt that had a white collar and buttons with a pastel blue jumper, a pastel blue necklace with white polka dots and black letters that say 'Like you can stop me', white socks, and small, black boots, you were greeted by Eren, Mikasa and Armin smiling at you and taking you in their arms, you smiled and returned the hug as you and the trio walked into the cafeteria to hang out and eat breakfast for a while. As you walked with Eren hand-in-hand, you started to see the rest of your friends, Christa, Ymir, Jean, Marco, Bertoldt, Reiner, Sasha, Connie, you were honestly happy to see them. You ignored the fact that Alexis was still there far away from you, along with Tracy and of course, your ex, but something was different, they all looked shocked and surprisingly....visibly jealous, but you simply ignored it and spoke with your friends and went to go get breakfast, waffles. Once you and your friends came back with your breakfast, Eren blushed at you again, which you smiled in return and blushed a lighter hue than him. "Y/N...do..do you want to...to...um...g-go on a date...with me?" The words coming from Eren's mouth made your face blush a deep red, this was a question you couldn't say no to!
"YES!" you screamed in joy as you flung your arms around the brunette, making him jerk a bit to the side as he held one hand on the table and another one around you. You've never felt more happier in your life knowing that a boy who you've been friends with for a while and who you've been crushing on finally asks you out on a date even earlier days to be your girlfriend. You really did adore Eren, for his dorky smile and determination, and his passionate attitude on things, everything. You could barely even concentrate in art class, you freely sketched Eren on the paper, giving the teacher a soft smile, appreciating the creativity and positive expression you had on and continued examining what others were making.

Lunch was no different, it was the same with you and your friends every day, you mostly spoke with Eren though as he was gulping down his food. "H-hey, slow down! You might choke!" Eren responded with the corny "You can't tell me what to do, mom!" Line, which made you roll your eyes and snuggle close to him as you ate your tiny bread. As the bell rang for 3rd period, you and Ymir spoke about what you both were going to do after school. "Well, after school I'm takin' Christa to this café she wants to show me. You?" A blush formed along with a sweet smile when you responded "Eren's taking me on a nice date! Isn't that so sweet of him?" A smile came on Ymir's face seeing you finally happy and alive once again, so much so that you both began to laugh in joy and head to your 3rd class to study and talk with friends before the day was even over. The last bell rang and Eren waited for you outside your classroom. You exited with Ymir, Reiner, Christa, Connie, and Marco and saw Eren, making you a bit startled as you gasped at his sudden appearance. The little troublemaker.

"Y-you're a bit early" you commented, still a bit shocked at your boyfriend, well, NEW AND IMPROVED boyfriend standing there. "Teacher let us go free" he answered as he took your hand in his "lets go before those egotistical jerks even arrive" Eren said as he escorted you outside and to your street, where he planted a delicate kiss on your hand and smiled "I'll pick you up at eight so relax for a while" he suggested before heading home. You could barely contain your emotions, as you walked in, you began to head to the kitchen to see whats for dinner before starting your nice, relaxing evening on preparing for your first date with a nicer boyfriend.

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