Chapter 29 - Part 2

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I zoned out for the rest of the time we sat. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I couldn't get myself together.

Actually, I knew exactly what was wrong with me. I was surrounded by people mourning the person I saw die  right in front of my eyes. The person I loved, the person I wished I had more time with, and I think it bothered me.

I was distressed, and traumatized from the scene. Yet, I kept it inside. Letting the people around you see your weak side, especially the people you don't know you can trust, is very... how do you describe it? It's not the best thing in the world.

Sometimes feeding the monsters on the inside keeps you safer from the monsters on the outside. Even though the monsters on the inside do a lot more damage, those on the outside are much more terrifying.

As everyone started going inside for the rest of the reception, I stayed behind. Although it started to rain and get on me, it didn't phase me.

Call me selfish, because maybe I am a bit selfish. But I don't know what else to do. I walked towards the newly made grave, and sat in front of the disturbed dirt. I gazed over the marble headstone and kept reading his name, repeatedly.

Ashton V. Cambrillo
October 16, 1999
April 13, 2017
"Roses are very beautiful but every beautiful thing has a flaw, and a roses flaw is it's thorns."

People brought roses and laid them down around the burial site. There were many of them, all red. Instead of doing the same, I brought a single white rose and sat it down on top of the headstone. I wanted it to represent him. It stuck out from the others.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. Then, the rain that was once before pounding onto my back was suddenly blocked.

"What're you doin' kid?" A deep voice spoke from behind me. I looked up to see a black umbrella covering me but didn't look further than that. I didn't want to.

"Grieving." I said, my voice rough. "I'd like to be alone, sir. If you don't mind." I heard a sigh in response, then the man moved to sit next to me. I looked over to see who it was, and was very surprised. Then silent rage filled my heart.

"It's a shame I didn't get to know him. Maybe he would have actually become something... remarkable if I'd stayed to see him grow." The man was old. You could see the gray in the stubble on his face and in his dark brown hair. The frown on his face was more defined up close than what I saw before. His eyes were also the same. I decided I didn't want to start any aggression. Not here, at least.

"Jared Vulcan." I said his name. He hmm'd in response, his deep voice making it sound more defined. "What in Gods name are you doing here?" I asked. He then looked over at me.

"Visiting the past. What could have been, but didn't make it." When I heard that, I stood up and started walking away. I heard him get up as well with a groan.

"I know who you are, boy." Jared said from behind me. I stopped walking, but didn't turn around. "You're that little shits boyfriend aren't ya? Disgusting. You oughta go join your fuck bud, burnin' with the rest of them sinners." 

I didn't say anything. I wanted to, but it wouldn't go anywhere useful. I'd just make a scene. So instead of turning around and beating the shit out of that old asshole, I continued walking, with the rest of the patience I had left.

As I walked away, I felt the wind brush against my face. It was strong, warm, and welcoming. I decided that it was a sign. A sign that he was okay, but that wouldn't stop me from grieving over his loss of presence.

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