Chapter 15

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The students get up from their seats and start shuffling out the door as soon as the bell rings. "Have a good break and remember what I told you today because there is a quiz on mental health the day you get back!" I yelled as the students shuffled out the door.

I sat down at my desk with a tired sigh and shuffled some papers. I started going through my laptop and writing down some notes. A couple minutes later a faint knock came from the open door and I looked up to see who it was. My gaze hardened when it met his.

"Hey, Nathan. How are you doing?" He said with a smile. That smile fooled me many times before, it looks innocent on the surface but it hides the darkest demons behind it.

I stared at him in silence with hard cold eyes. I looked away and ignored his question, continuing my work. He sighed audibly and stalked into my classroom.

"That's no way of treating an old friend, now is that?" He walked in front of my desk and pushed my laptop down so I was forced to look at him. I know one thing for sure, he is definitely absolutely not my friend.

I kept my cold expression as I looked up at his smug amused one.

"What the hell do you want, Nova?" He smiled wickedly at my acknowledgment of his existence.

"I wanted to see how you were doing, Nate. You know what time of year it is, right? Is that so hard to believe? Five whole years have gone by." His face was covered in sadistic amusement. I got chills from just seeing it. And it made me sick.

"Get out." I said quietly.

He whined in a mocking tone and made a pouting face. "Why do you want to get rid of me so badly?" He said in a sarcastically venomous voice. He suddenly leaned into my ear and whispered into it. "Do I.... remind you too much of him? That fucking bastard I once called my brother?"

That made my blood boil and I shot up from my desk. I walked away from him towards the door but he rushed over and slammed the door shut along with me against it. He had me trapped. His face was so close to mine that I swear I could have gotten sick any moment. Just being in the same room with him makes me nauseous.

"Your brother did more good in his 17 years than you could do in 50!" I spat, obviously not amused with his antics. He clicked his tongue and hit the door with his fist close to my head. I jumped and turned my head away. He got extremely close to my ear.

"My brother was a spoiled brat!" He hissed. "He got everything I ever wanted. His mother was loving and mine was a useless skank! He got a beautiful simple house while I was trapped in a cold depressing mansion with empty rooms." He paused for a few seconds to breath. "He even got the guy I absolutely longed for."

I snapped my gaze back to Nova. His brown eyes held anger and jealousy in them.

"Although he's wiped off this fucking Earth he still has you." He hisses. He then suddenly brings his hand up to my throat and starts choking me.

"Nno-hhng!" He has gotten taller than me over the years and obviously stronger. He lifts me by the neck with ease and I scratch his arms. His eyes are blazing with so much anger I doubted if it was humanly possible. A sudden realization dawned on him and his expression changed in an instant. He let me go and I fell to the floor, gasping for air. My hand came up to my sore neck where his fist was just moments before.

"N-Nathan? I'm so sorry! I didn't-"

"I told you to get out, Nova!" I yelled. The room went silent and he opened the door I was sitting to the side of and left. Right when the door closed my eyes welled up in tears. I balled in the now empty classroom.

Rose PetalsWhere stories live. Discover now