Chapter 6

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Matt: Nate, answer me please.

Matt: Come on, I'm sorry. Please come home soon.

Matt: Please. I'm sorry.

It's been 3 hours since I left the house. When I slammed the door I heard something break but I was too angry to care. Whatever it is probably isn't important anyways.

The streets were bustling with people. Car horns blared from what seemed every car. The sky was dark with stormy, gray clouds. It almost brings back a memory, déjà vu maybe. Or... eyes.

They always had some sort of emotion in them, wether it be rage, regret, or happiness. They would always shine. Those beautiful light gray orbs always caught my attention. Teary, angry, worried. What I felt when I looked into them was indescribable. The way they looked back sent shivers down my spine every time.

And then it started to rain.

The people that were crowding the streets began to scurry off into buildings or under some cover, like if they got wet they would melt. The air smelt like that beautiful smell of rain and concrete.

I closed my eyes. Listening to the now silent streets. Rain hitting the cemented sidewalks. Every drop. Every drip. Every splash. Everything in the world was silent as far as I knew. It was peaceful, yet it made me itch with uncertainty. Fear. Regret...

Regret? What do I have to regret? My mind seemed like it was on auto pilot for what felt like hours but was only minutes. I found myself in front of a bar. The memories after that were a blur.

Shot after shot. Word after word. Events and words blurred together.

What I do remember. It's not pleasant. But not every chapter in a book has rainbows and sparkles, does it.


"I'm sorry! Please come back to me! It's my fault." I sobbed. It seemed like drinking my problems away was the only thing I knew how to do now.

It made the sadness and anger I was feeling go away. After the hangover though, it came rushing back. And I hated it. I couldn't handle my own emotions. I felt weak.

"Please... please." My words slurred together in a drunken cry. I felt like I couldn't control what I was doing. I leaned over the gravestone, a sobbing, begging mess. "Please come back. Please. I miss you so much. My love. My Ash."

Lightning cracked and thunder rumbled the skies. Anger brewed in the clouds, delicate rain drops fell. Soaking everything it came in contact with. I felt dizzy. Sick. Tired.

"Nate? Oh my god!" I heard the faint voice of my friend Matt.

"Matt...?" I was curled up around the gravestone. He pulled me off so he could see my face. Since when did Matt have a twin brother?

"S-ince when did you have a t-hic-twin brother?" My words slurred together. I couldn't control my tongue. I couldn't control anything.

"We need to get you home." He pulled me to my feet but my legs refused.

"Hic- Matt I'm s-sorry about earlier. I shoul-dn't have yelled at you." I slurred. Lazily.

"Nate this isn't the time for that we can talk about that later... Nate? Hey!"

My vision felt hazy, blurry, and dark. I heard another crack in the sky but it sounded faint. Far away. And dim.

"I'm sorry. Please, forgive me."

Unconsciousness enveloped me into its black world.

Rose PetalsWhere stories live. Discover now