Chapter 16

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"Are you sure it wasn't your wallet?" He asked me for the millionth time.

I sighed kind of irritated. "I'm sure. I don't have a black leather wallet. You've seen my wallet more than once, Ash."

He clicked his tongue. "I know that, Nate." He said mockingly. "I just..." He sighed and walked over to his desk. I followed and stood next to him. He had his head down as he stared out the window.

"He is someone you know, then." I said quietly.

"He's someone I knew." He paused for a second. "Well, someone I thought I knew. He... it doesn't matter. I just..." He struggled helplessly with his words and sighed again.

"You know they say every time you sigh a little bit of your soul escapes." I said, changing the subject.

"Well then I probably don't have a soul anymore." He sighed, once again to prove a point.

I chuckled quietly. "Nah, you have a beautiful soul. And trust me it's still there." I smiled. He smiled back weakly and ran his fingers through his already messy hair.

"You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to." I said quietly.

He didn't say anything for a few moments but then he looked at me in the eye.

"I want to I just don't know how to... yet." He looked down and I brushed my hand over his bruised cheek like I did earlier.

"Hey, you can trust me. Take all the time you need." I whispered in a soft tone.

"I don't know if it's enough." He looked away from my gaze.

"What do you mean?"

A wave of panic rushed through his features and he snapped his gaze back to mine.

"N-nothing I didn't mean for- I mean that didn't- It shouldn't have-" He was stumbling over his words. I think it's best to just ignore the little slip he let out for now. He obviously doesn't know how to explain.

"Hey hey, calm down. Of course you have all the time you need. I'll always be here for you." I pulled him into a hug and he tensed for a second before wrapping his arms around me.


The next day was Saturday. We have the next few weeks off from school. The holidays were coming up soon and I wanted to get something for Ash. Christmas was only a few days away. But what would I get him? What would he want? I couldn't ask him because he would get suspicious about why I was even asking and I want it to be a complete surprise. I honestly don't want anything from him materialistic. He's already given me a lot. I'm just working on him giving me his trust but I know that doesn't come easy.

I decided to take him to the mall for the day. Maybe I could subtly see what he takes interest in at the stores and get him something. We met at the entrance and I couldn't help but stare at him. He had a gray knitted beanie on his head along with a black jacket, gray t-shirt and white skinny jeans. He honestly looked really cute.

"Put your jaw back into place everyone's staring." He flicked my forehead.

"Ow!" I rubbed the spot he flicked and felt my face heat up. Was I really making a stupid face while staring at him? Ugh that's embarrassing.

"So, what store do you wanna hit up first?" He asks.

"It's up to you." I smile at him.

"Well I'm starving." He replies.

"Food court it is then!" I laugh and he slapped my shoulder.


We spent almost the whole day at the mall. We got chased down by security for riding a sled down an escalator. We just hid in the backroom of a clothing store. Today was honestly really fun but spending it with Ash made it even better. We were now looking through a Christmas store for some reason. I was looking at some ornaments and snapped my gaze up to Ash.

His gaze was fixated on a shelf of snow globes. His eyes were bright as he gently picked one up and tuned the bottom. A beautiful melody started to play and he smiled gently at the object. When the tune died out he gently placed the globe back onto the shelf and walked towards me.

"I'm going to go find a restroom. Meet me at the food court?" I nodded and he stalked out of the store. I went over to that shelf he was at just moments ago and grabbed a snow globe then I made my way towards the cashier.

After I payed for the glass item I walked out of the store and heard someone call my name. I looked around and saw him.

Nova walked over to me with a big smile. "I told ya we would be running into each other often!" He said with a lot of enthusiasm. He was wearing the same hoodie he had the last time we met but he didn't have the hood covering his head. He had dark brown hair, almost black but not quite.

Nova looked down at the bag I was carrying. "Whatcha got there?"

"Oh this? It's just a gift I got for a friend." I pulled out the snow globe and showed it to him. His eyes lit up as he took it from me gently.

"Wow, I think he'll love it." He said with that same chilling tone he used the last time. This guy is kinda odd. Wait did he say he?

Nova handed the snow globe back to me and smiled innocently at me. "Sorry to keep you, I gotta run and do some errands. Nice talkin' to you though!" He turned around and blasted off before I could ask him any questions.

I never said that my friend was a guy. Maybe he just assumed since I'm a guy but that doesn't explain the change in his voice.

I put the bag with the snow globe in my backpack to hide from Ash and made my way towards the food court for the second time today. That boy eats a lot for his size.

Rose PetalsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant