Naga Madness

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(Scott's p.o.v.)
I was walking through town when I was grabbed and pulled out of the way, I was pushed against a building and I saw it was Victoria, she looked upset.
"I will be back." She said, giving a dark look, "But until then, take this."
She shoved something in to my chest and let me go, she then quickly dissappeared into the thick brush nearby, I looked down at the book to see it was another unlabled, purple covered book, I quickly got back t the house and went in to see Vincent laying on the living room floor asleep, as I walked passed him I gently pet his tail, he twitched slightly, then rolled over and coiled around himself, I grabbed an apple then sat on the couch, I opened the book and looked at it, it looked like this book was well taken care of, the first page read "Book Four."
I flipped the page and began to read, the part name of this one was Naga Spit, which slighty confused me.
~Naga saliva is a very interesting feature of every Naga, the most notable being the taste.
Their saliva has a very sweet taste to it, most decribe it as tasting like a very sweet pastry, cherry, or strawberry, one even discribed it as being the tastiest thing they had ever tasted.
Another notable part of their saliva is how addictive it can be, many don't exactly experiance the same thing as it is to take another kind of drug, nor do people normally feel deprived of it, though most had said that once they had gotten one taste of it they wanted more, which would explain why other animals are just fine with cleaning the Naga's mouth.~
I looked over at Vincent, he was sound asleep, his arms wrapped around his tail, I looked bck at the book and continued to read.
~The main thing you have to be careful about is poisonous Naga saliva.~
(Naga can be poisonous?!) I wondered fearfully.
~If someone is to taste a venomous Naga's saliva they would truly experience everything one would when taking a drug, and it usually leads to death within only a few hours.
One way (the non recomended way) to tell if a Naga is poisonous is to check their main fangs, if they're hollow, they're poisonous, if all the fangs are the same length then there's a very small chance of it being venomous.~
I knew Vincent had main fangs, although I didn't know if they were hollow, and I really didn't want to check.
~Another thing is patterns, if a Naga has patterns they're usually posionous, and if they're just one solid color or only have an underbelly they're usually just brutes or constrictors, though depending on leniage they can be venomous at times.~
I looked up at Vincent, I still wasn't sure if he was venomous, I was just hoping he was going to be okay, I'm sure that if the towns people even heard the word venomous they'd try to kill him.
~The last way to know FOR SURE if it's venomous is the shape of the scales, venomous Naga have dimond shaped scales, while  non venomous Naga have more of an oval or tear shaped scale.~
I set the book down and got up, I went over to him and got a better look at his scales, they were all tear-shaped, I sighed slightly and relaxed, I looked at his sleeping face to see his tongue was sticking out slightly, the little forked nature of it just poking out.
(Addictive, huh?) I wondered, (Is that really true?)
I reached over and gently touched his tongue, it was soft, and felt dry, I ran my finger along it until he shifted slightly, I moved my hand away as he looked around slightly, he looked really tired.
"Your tongue was sticking out." I said as I slightly rubbed his cheek.
He looked around a bit more, then rolled over and went back to sleep, I got up and went over to the couch again and sat back down, I opened the book to a random page and saw it was at the beginning of a part, it was just titled "Mating."
I felt awkward just reading the title, but I felt as if I needed to keep reading.
~Naga always mate for life, and only mate with someone they fully trust, mostly to do with females.
Males can be very dangerous during mating, forceful, ruthless, and at times reckless.
Male Naga's never make the decition, it's always the female because there is a small percent chance of them getting injured or even having skin or other sensitive areas torn, but the love is always mutual, if one is unattracted the other will get over it, but one usually ends up with the one they fell for when very young.~
There was a picture of a male and female Naga next to each other on the other page, it had graphs and arrows pointing to different parts of them, showing where the anus and reproductive system were, along with sensitive areas that could turn them on or even initiate sex.
~The reproductive systems and anus are hidden beneath a layer of skin and scales to protect and hide them,  a males reproductive sysetms is much like a human males, though it must leave the protective cover before it can be used.~
That made me feel very awkward, I swallowed hard before I flipped the page, the title was "Potental Mates."
~At first most believed that when two Naga of the same sex were together they believed it was because they were just two bachlors or bachlorettes that were working together to find mates, but it later became aapparent that they were already mates.~
That's where I stopped, my mind now filling with more quiestions.
(Naga's can have same sex relationships?) I wondered.
~It seems like this is a rather normal occorance, it seems like it is how it is with most humans, though Naga do not see anything wrong with what they are doing, unlike humans it doesn't exactly matter, in fact, recently it has been encuraged due to the **** ********** in India.~
I leaned in closer to the book, trying to read what had been scratched out, I couldn't even guess what it could have said, I finally sighed and set the book down, I looked over at the sleeping Naga on my floor, he was coiled up and quietly hissing, although it sounded peaceful, I quietly got up and sat next to him, I gently rubbed his head as he slept, now knowing everything I had just read I knew that Vincent could possibly like me in that way, but it's so much different for humans, I wasn't even sure if humans and Naga's could be with one another, I mean, I know they can fall in love with one another, but other than that I wasn't sure.
Not anymore, at least.

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