27. I don't belong to a religion, but I believe that there's something otherworldly. There's been too many accounts where crazy/dangerous shit has happened to me, & I've either known it was going to happen, or something occurred that kept me safe from said crazy/dangerous shit, if that makes sense.

28. Almost 2 years.

29. I don't care if you're gay, bi, straight, pansexual, etc. That isn't my business. You love who you love, & no one should try to stop you or tell you any different. What I don't like is when people try to cram it down my throat & make me accept what they believe is right & any other opinion is unacceptable to have. My outlook on everything is, "You live your life the way you want to, & I'll live mine the way I choose." 'Kay?

30. Depends on what the person did. I think most individuals should have second chances, but they have to prove that they're actually willing to change. I'm not going to blindly trust them. Then there are the certain few who I won't ever forgive/trust/believe again. But just know that whatever you did to get there was some of the worst shit imaginable.

31. Never been in one, so I can't speak for it. If you are able to make it work, then go for it! Applause to you!😊

32. Fuck no for abortion. That is an innocent human being, fully developed or not. I understand that in certain circumstances, someone might consider it. But here's something else: be responsible. If you're having an abortion just because you & your partner didn't take precautions, then you're a shitty human being. I know there's cases for rape victims, & I won't answer for them. With the trauma they went through, I hope they wouldn't turn to abortion, but in the end, that's their decision, even if I strongly disagree. But 2014 Miss Pennsylvania Valerie Gatto, who competed for Miss USA a few years back, & got pretty far in the competition was the child of a rape victim. Instead of her mom giving her up, Valerie instead was born & built her platform on this issue, touching the lives of millions & raising awareness for all that had been a victim or a product of. From her, I learned that it doesn't matter who or where you come from, it's what you do with that life you were blessed to have.

33. This won't make me the most popular person, but this is my opinion. Honestly, & this can go back to my second chance answer, if someone committed a crime that was severe beyond all measures, I'm not against the death penalty. The only reason I would even consider this is if the person has done multiple wrongdoings of the highest order, with chances to change, but chose not to. The ones that willingly made the decisions that led them to that point. The types of people that I think of are serial killers/rapists, not just a dirtbag that committed a few felonies.

34. I don't like marijuana at all, & would especially prefer not to smell it on a daily basis. There are other things available to help individuals with their needs, but clearly they feel that they need to get high in the process. So no, I really don't support marijuana, but there are plenty of things in this world I don't care for anyway.

35. Love? Really? That it exists, or if I've ever felt it? Well, I believe that there are all different depths & dimensions of love that people feel for things. I feel love for my family & people that I care for, but never a romantic sort of love.

36. Ghosts? Hell. Yes. I've had my own encounters with them, & no one on this earth can convince me that ghosts don't exist.

37. Why is this a question😂😂 Uhh, I shower away from the shower head, I guess.

38. I sleep with my door closed. I have cats that like to knock shit off my dresser when I'm not paying attention😂

39. Again, not romantically. Unless we're talking celebrities here. Because it that's the case, Tom Hiddleston!

40. If I see an episode of Kim Possible, Avatar: The Last Airbender, or Danny Phantom on tv, you bet your ass I'm watching the cartoons of my childhood.

41. Nope! I'm single!

42. Yes, I like myself. I have my own imperfections that I deal with on a regular basis, but that doesn't make me dislike or hate myself. It just part of me.


So, I'm not going to tag anyone to do this, but I allow anyone to answer these questions if they want to. If you're interested, answer away!

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