twenty three

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"Date cancelled" Taehyung repeated to me through the phone.

I frowned and scratched my head out of frustration. "Wait, so why is it cancelled?"

"There's this party that Namjoon is hosting, it's kind of a big thing" he sighed "he throws it every year apparently.."

"Exactly! He throws one every year, just go to the next one!" I argued, hoping to change his mind somehow. Truth was, I had planned a really nice date for us. A romantic dinner, followed by a romantic walk under the stars, and ended with an amazing night to remember.

"Namjoon graduates this year, and he's leaving me to take over his so called 'legacy'." His quiet giggle made my lips curve up into a smile even though I was still upset.

"You suck" I humphed.

"I do actually, maybe if your mom hadn't came in last night I could've shown you" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and pouted. "Maybe if you don't go to that party, you could be showing it to me tonight"

"Kookie, I'm sorry." He mumbled. "Maybe on the weekend?"

"No. I don't want to anymore" I huffed.

"Oh okay..I see how it is" he teased. "I'll just go with Jun again"

Jolting up into a sitting position from my bed, I coughed as my blood began to boil just at his name.

"You wouldn't. We both know you hate him and that he's completely out of the picture! I won't let you leave to him again. I'll break his fucking neck if he comes anywhere near you,and I will never forgive if you did. At least go with fucking Jimin or something" I snapped.

He laughed and made a cute squeaking sound. "My Kookie is so's actually kinda' hot"

"Don't joke around like that Taehyung" I groaned.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make your dominant side stand out" he hummed.

"I'm going with you to that party then" I decided and stood up from my bed, walking over to my closet and rummaging through my outfits.

"It's a school night Kookie, wouldn't your mom be worried? Hm?"

I smirked and held the phone between my shoulder and ear as my hands held a white t-shirt up to my torso. "She doesn't have to know"

"Mhm, a sneaky boy I see" he chuckled. "The party starts at 9pm, should I meet you at your school then?"

"I can walk off campus early so we can have the day together.." I suggested while peeking over at the clock to realize I only had 30 minutes to get to school.

"No, stay in school you loser. You need those credits Jungkook, I want you to be a successful man y'know"

"I'll become a business man just for you Tae" I joked while struggling to pull my pants up.

"Oh kinky! I'll go to your work everyday and we have sex on your desk...or in the conference room...oh..I'm excited" his voice became quieter as he pondered the idea.

"Tae, as fun as that sounds, we aren't pornstars. You can't just bust out having sex at work" I laughed and brushed my fingers through my hair before rushing downstairs.

"It could happen. Don't crush my dreams Jungkook" he pouted. "Hey, it's 8:26...why aren't you in school yet?"

"I lost track of time.. too busy talking to you" I smiled and slipped on some Timberland's.

"Get to school Kookie!" He demanded. "I'll come and walk you home after school"

"M'kay, I'll see you later Tae" I ended the call and bolted to school, barely arriving with 3 minutes to spare.

- - -

"Jungkook!" A voice called from behind, catching my attention.

"Don't turn around." Hyungwon warned me and forcing me to continue walking.

"Who is it now?" I grunted, keeping my eyes glued to the ground.

"Yugyeom" he whispered back when a hand gripped onto my shoulder, whipping me around to face the person.

"Hey, you totally ignored me dude. Not cool" he frowned.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you" I lied, rubbing the back of my neck anxiously.

"Yea right, anyways, I have two free tickets to the movies...wanna go with me?" He asked with pleading eyes. He rocked himself from the tip of his toes to his heels cutely.

"I can't, I have plans after school" I was telling the truth, but in reality, I really didn't want to go out with him. Yugyeom has been fishing his way around with people, a total playboy. Surprisingly, his personality comes off as quiet and shy at first glance, but as soon as you talk to him he turns into a desperate,horny teenager. And I've been his next victim since the day I arrived to this school.

"Plans? What plans?" He questioned, making the conversation longer than it needed to be.

"A party" I smiled, turning on my heels and walking away. Yugyeom followed behind, attempting to catch up with my speed.

"Let me come, I'll be your drinking buddy! I'll even make sure you don't get too drunk" he grinned and hooked his arm around my elbow.

"Um, I'm fine" I tried to pry him off of me but he wouldn't budge. "You should take Hyungwon with you instead"

"What!? No no no, I'm busy with...stuff" Hyungwon threw his hands up and gave Yugyeom a soft smile.

"I don't want to go with him..I want to go with you Kookie" he whined and stomped his feet like a toddler.

"K-Kookie?" I blinked. No one calls me that other than Taehyung, so it caught me off guard.

"Yea, I came up with it! Isn't it cute? A cute nickname for a cute guy" he smiled and bit his lip.

"Um, that's not a good nickname" I turned away when I finally was released from his grip.

"We're gonna be late for class Jungkook" Hyungwon pushed me along toward our class, leaving an upset Yugyeom behind.

"When will that guy give up?" Hyungwon sighed, shaking his head.

"I hope it's soon." I huffed back while entering my last class of the day.

Maybe I should try working out a friendship with him?

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