Vacation Hype

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"Are we really going to Puerto Rico?", asked a young girl who was obviously woken up by her parents. She yawned softly with her right hand going over her pink lips to stifle a yawn. Her hair was a mess, much like anyone who wakes up early. She was seventeen, her hair of auburn brown was all over her face and shoulders. The family had finally decided to take a vacation, one that was very different from most of the vacations they had. "Yep! I just love traveling!", spoke her mother who was already up and dressed. "I hate mornings...", sighed the seventeen year old who was now trying to tame her hair by softly putting her fingers through it. She was doing the same motion that a hair brush would do, but she was using her fingers instead.

"Apolline! Hurry up and get ready!", shouted her father who was picking up bags to put into the car. The airport was a good little ways from their house, they decided to get up early since traffic wouldn't be so bad. Florida, a natural spot for many who wanted to be near the beach. It was kind of funny that they were going somewhere else, when they could save money by staying in Florida. "Okay, just trying to wake up.", sighed Apolline as she went to the bathroom. The day was off to a good start, which was always a plus for anyone traveling. Apolline brushes her teeth, her eyes were a soft brown color as she looked in the bathroom mirror.

"I bet their food is amazing!", spoke Apolline's mother who was obviously excited. This excitement made the teen laugh a bit, for her mother was acting like a little kid who was excited for their first vacation. Thing was this wasn't the first time they took a plane somewhere. Apolline softly made way to her room where she begun to get ready. It was a bit of a bummer though, seeing that she finally worked up the courage to ask out Kendrick. The guy was sweet and protective, but at the same time he was a bit of a drama queen. Not that she would ever say it to his face. Apolline smiled while putting on her lipstick and blush, her clothes were more than suitable for Florida. It was always warm, and some days it was very hot.

Her clothes were comfortable which was always good for her. Beige colored capris pants, and a white colored tank top with a sleeveless denim vest. As she looked herself up and down in the mirror she made sure she looked good. "Apolline!", yelled her father which made her groan slightly. "I'm ready!", she replied looking like she was going to bop someone on the head. Parents were always this way, or rather her parents were ALWAYS this way. She smiled while rolling her eyes as she gathered her things. She slipped on her matching denim purse as well as sliding on her sneakers. The airport would probably be less crowded since it was early, of course she would have to see.

Apolline walked out of her room with her things, she smiled to her father who softly took her suitcase from her. "Dad, I can carry that!", she laughed as she tried to take it back. "Nope! I got this!", spoke her father not once giving her the chance as he walked away with it. "Geez!", pouted Apolline who then laughed looking at her mother who rolled her eyes at her husband. "Such a gentleman!"

"Yep, have you two got everything?", asked the so called gentleman who was now looking at the two of them with a smile. Apolline nodded as she looked at her cellphone and then at her purse. "Honey? Did you forget anything?", asked her mother who stared at him as if trying to read him. "I'm sure! The trunk is full and I made sure not to forget anything!" Apolline couldn't help but laugh as she walked to the back door of their car. "Watch he will forget something last second!", she couldn't help but smile sweetly to her father who gave her a look. "To Puerto Rico!", happily smiled her mother who got into the passenger seat. The air was perfect for it wasn't to hot or cold. Apolline was checking her phone and smiled deciding to send a text to Kendrick. She didn't know if he was up or not but she was definitely going to send him a good morning text. Kendrick was more or less not a morning person, at school he couldn't stay awake at all.

Teachers knew of Kendrick, they had to seeing he always slept in their class. It was some what funny to her, and she knew Kendrick liked that she thought it was funny. Why else would he do it often? Apolline looked up and smiled hearing her parents talk. Both of them were happy and having a pleasant discussion on what they were going to do once they made it there. Truthfully, she didn't know what she was going to do either. Vacations were always more enjoyable if you were to just wing it.

"Hopefully the plane ride won't be to bad?", spoke her father who some what smiled. "I'm sure it won't be!", replied Apolline looking at her father. "It's early! It could just be us on?", she soon added. Her mother mouthed "I wish" to her which made her laugh. "Either way, make sure we are all together once we go in! Last thing I want is for us to get lost while checking in!", spoke her father who had his eyes glued to the road. Apolline remembered that movie where a child was left home all alone while his parents rushed to get to the airport on time. She shook her head with a smile, she loved that movie and found it funny that they would leave their child all alone.

The drive was rather pleasant and smooth, and as expected there was not that many cars on the road. It was now about six in the morning now, and their plane was scheduled for eight that morning. "Should we get something to eat before we get on?", asked Apolline feeling a little hungry. Her parents seemed to thinking on their answer, her mother looked back at her with a smile. "I don't see why not? We got a hour before our plane leaves!" Apolline smiled to her as she softly looked to her phone. "I guess we could get a donut or two?", chuckled her father as he pulled to a stop at a red light.

The airport soon came into view, many vehicles were parked there as well as many people walking in and out. Apolline had finished her eclair and was now sipping on a classic soda. They had drove through the donut place and had just now arrived at their destination. "Okay, make sure to get your bags!" Apolline nodded to her father who soon pulled to a stop in order to let his daughter and wife out. They had enough time and hopefully the whole process won't take forever. "I hope that all our bags make it on!", sighed her mother who was now feeling the stress of the airport. Everyone was worried about that, only cause it happened once in a while. When it does happen, it just makes the whole process longer and infuriating.

"They will! Positive thoughts!", smiled Apolline who tried to take her mother's worry away. Her mother smiled softly at her as she nodded, "Positive!" Apolline laughed as she held three bags, while her mother held two. Their luggage was rather heavy but it wasn't so bad, since the most heaviest bags are for the man of the house. Many people were walking around, as the family of three made their way to check in. Though it was fairly early, the place was practically packed. "Looks like everyone took the early schedule?", grumbled Apolline. If only they had the plane to themselves. Sure, people were not all bad but there were a few who just made the plane ride horrible at times.

Apolline blinked as she noticed a small booklet, the title definitely caught her eye. "Bermuda Triangle?" Her father chuckled at her, "Don't take it seriously! It is kind of like aliens and Bigfoot!" Her mother looked at the booklet with her eyes gleaming. "Oh! I wish things like that were real! I just love those kinds of things!" Apolline giggled at her mother and looked to her father who laughed shaking his head. "Come on! We got a plane to catch!"

The booklet was at the side of the counter, and Apolline couldn't help but stare at it while her father softly handed the lady their passports. "Don't worry honey!", softly spoke her mother who looked at Apolline. "It's just a hoax." Apolline smiled to her mother as she nodded.

Mysteries of the triangle always caught the attention of the curious. Apolline stood behind her father as she thought about all the documentaries of the Bermuda Triangle. So many people had so much to say about it, and she was obviously interested in it. "Can I get one? I can read it on the plane!", asked Apolline looking to her mother. "Sure!", giggled her mother. "I may read it after you are done with it!" Apolline smiled quickly walking over to pick up the small booklet that was more like a small book. It was like those small bibles you could get. Apolline returned to her mother's side with the booklet in hand. Apolline smiled as the lady nodded approvingly at the passports she was given. "You may board now! Have a great flight!"

The family nodded as they made their way onto the plane, the sky was clear and the air was comfortable. Apolline smiled looking out to the plane, and couldn't help but stare at it. Planes always fascinated her, though she wasn't a big fan of heights. Apolline was glad that she wouldn't have to sit near the window cause she always made her father sit there. With their bags loading on, along with them seated and boarded. They only had to wait for the the other passengers to board.

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