DON'T GIVE ME UP Ep. 4 Willy

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"What's wrong?" Miley asked curious to why her friends were looking at her with wide eyes. Selena snapped out of it.

"Nothing it's jus..." An opened door, laughing, and following with "Honey we're home" interrupted Selena's sentence. Soon she saw all the boys faces and she made another shocked facial expression. Miley turned around and Selena didn't know how Nick or Miley would react with each other and specially after Miley's confession.

"Miles" Nick said in shock starring at her with wide eyes.

"Oh my god" was all Miley to get out.

"Miley, you're here!" Justin tried to stop the shocking moment. He gave Miley a huge warming hug. "I haven't seen you in forever" he smiled hoping this works "I know" she smiled too. She tried hard to not look at Nick again but he continued starring at her. Nothing about her changed. She was still beautiful.

"Hey Nick" Miley said awkwardly and Selena and Demi both watched with their mouths opened still in shock.

"Hey" Nick waved at her awkward with one hand before placing them both in his pockets behind his jeans

Soon Demi got up and introduced Wilmer to Miley. "Miley, this is my fiancé Wilmer, Wilmer this is Miley" they shuck hands

"Fiancé? You're getting married" Miley questioned trying not to feel awkward as she did and scared that Nick would go upstairs

"Yes" Demi Smiled and so did Wilmer

"Wow congrats" Miley added and made a quick glance at Nick and he was already starring so she quickly looked back to Demi and Wilmer.

"The gang is almost back" Justin said excitingly. He gave Selena a kiss on the side of her head and she hugged the side of him.

"what about Joe?" Miley asked and Demi's heart skipped 1 or 2 beats just at she name.

"Joe?" Wilmer asked sounding more arrogant then attending

Justin gave Miley the shut the hell up look

"Joe's coming?" Demi questioned scared of the answer.

"Yeah, he is" justin admitted "he'll be here tonight" he half smiled hopeful everything ends up okay

"Is that so?" Wilmer smiled at Demi but she could tell he was mad "wow" he finished looking at everyone else

Everyone felt a bit awkward after that. Soon a little girl's voice interrupted the awkwardness

"Mommy I'm Hungary" the littler girl said with that Justin and Nick starred at her with wide eyes

"Who is this?" Justin asked while Nick continued to stair at he.

Miley got up and picked up her daughter "this is my daughter Nevada" she half smiled. Justin and Nick were still in shock obviously everyone missed out on a lot in their lives.

"I'll get some cheese and crackers for her" Selena smiled and got up to get the cheese and crackers. Miley and Nevada followed.

With that Nick went upstairs. The little girl looked about 5, he figured Miley cheated on him and that's why she stayed and broke up with him. Her being his never even crossed his mind. Even though this was five years ago he was still upset.

"Did you know she had a child?" Justin asked Demi confusingly

"I just found out. It was a bit of a shock for all of us" she confess

"Damn I missed out on a lot of things" justin admitted

"Me too" Demi added feeling pathetic.

"I'm gonna go upstairs mijah, I'm Tired" Wilmer addressed her with a small kiss. Justin didn't like Wilmer. There was something about him that he didn't like.

DON'T GIVE ME UP ~ SEQUEL TO BESTFRIENDSWhere stories live. Discover now